Styles P

Songtext Children Styles P


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[feat. Pharoahe Monch]

[Intro: Pharoahe Monch (Styles P) {police sirens in the background}]
These lil' niggaz is crazy!
What the fff...?
This is our future?
It's 'bout the children, man...
Ayo, P! (I pray to God for the kids, man!)
No doubt, man, f'real! (wherever they are...)
Real talk! (it's real out here!)
Come on!

[Styles P {Sample from 20th Century Steel Band's: "Heaven And Hell Is On Earth"}:]
{Children} in the hood seem to die at a young age,
Wakes and funerals'll make it feel like a Sunday. (damn!)
All they talk about - is money and gunplay (that's all!)
Only light they gettin' is the one from the sun rays. (no lie!)
{Children!} No light bulb bright idea (no idea!)
Shame when (it's a shame!) "kill that nigga" is the right idea!
Like a nigga lose his life, every night out here (every night!)
Kinda hot. - But they talk about ice out here! (it's hot out here!)
{Chiiildren, children} - is all some I'll shit! (I'll shit!)
12 to 19 all ready to kill shit. (soldiers!)
All of 'em is numb, don't none of 'em feel shit; (don't feel... SHIT!)
It's just like a war zone, that's on some real shit. (it's real, homie!)
{Children!} Homie - this is O.G. talk;
Blow O.G. Kush (O.Geeee!) (yeah!) - for O.G. cough. (O.Geeee!) (yeah!) [coughing]
In the low-key V, shakin' police off! (shake 'em off!)
Don't engage witcha enemy, you know he soft. (ya hear me?)
Whattup? - {Children} - is all missin' the roof over 'em; (missin'!)
Lil' niggaz is hard, they don't know how to school 'em. (they hard!)
They know how a sucka or a herb or a fool look, (they seen that!)
Know how a crack pack dope or the tool look! (they seen that!)
{Children!} Yeah! - The shit is real out here! (it's real!)
Swear blood is like oil how it spill out here. (spill it!)
If you ain't from out here then don't chill out here; (don't chill out here!)
{Chiiildren, children!} The 9 mill' - might pop your grill out here. - Yeah! {children!}

[Chorus: Pharoahe Monch - singin' {20th Century Steel Band sample}]
Some days I might thank - God I don't have nooooo {children}!
To struggle this hard and it's a hassleeee. {children!}
Gotta teach 'em how to survive and wiiiin, {children!}
The whole future of the world depeeends on {children}!
So I talk wise and speak clearlyyyy, {children}
But still sometimes they don't hear me! {children!}
But when I open my heart I catch feelings, {children!}
Cause the kids need hope, they need healing. {children!} - The childrennnn...

[Styles P {20th Century Steel Bannd Sample}:]
The birds play video games, (games!)
Imitate wack rappers and the video dames. (brain washed!)
PlayStation, X-Box, laptop, desktop; (damn!)
I be askin' myself: when will the mess stop? (when will it stop?)
{Children!} Snotty lil' niggaz is too rude (too rude!)
All I know is cooler than YouTube - is makin' it easy (gypsies!)
With nothin' realistic you can see on the TV (NOTHIN'!)
But they call this reality show. (yeah?!)
{Children,} it's time to - make 'em grasses grow! (make 'em grasses grow!)
They'll - make 'em lazy. - It's so crazy! (so crazy!)
Me, I stay hazy. - Always keep a Dutch steamed; (steamed!)
Cause they even't makin' no buttons; it's just a touch screen! (damn!)
{Children} - and they don't talk, they text; (uh!)
L-O-L, (L-O-L!) W-T-F! (W-T-F!) (you know...)
And I be like: "Damn, what the fuck is next? " (what the fuck is next!)
Cause Mr. Illuminati seem to cut them checks. - Yeah!


[Outro: 20th Century Steel Band sample]
"Children! Children!
Children! Children!
Childre... child...
Chiiiild... children! [beat fades out]
Child... child...
Child... child...
Child... " [beat stops]

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