
Songtext Cheater's road Lonestar


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Cheater's road

Down a dirt road in southern Louisiana
Flew a white Continental with the top laid back
Pretty blonde sittin' on a seat of red leather
Dust blowin' outta those well wore tracks
She goin' back

Moss hangin' down like beards in the bayou
Old folks watchin' from a rockin' chair
Ain't no place for a girl of her state
She's gonna ruin her reputation
She don't care cause he's waitin' there
She's gonna say

Tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart
Tell me anything and I'll believe it
'Cause I'm listening with my heart
Maybe it's wrong but that's the way it goes
When the only love you get is down
Cheater's road

Bedsprings rubbin' her back through the blanket
Sweat like a tear rollin' down her neck
Watchin' him pullin' down the shades on the window
She'd rather have him than an empty bed and her self respect
And she says

Tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart
Tell me anything and I'll believe it
'Cause I'm listening with my heart
Maybe it's wrong but that's the way it goes
When the only love you get is down
Cheater's road

Old man countin' his money in the city
Nothin' but the bottom dollar on his mind
The whole situation is a downright pity
He didn't even notice when she crossed that line
When she crossed that line
And she said
Tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart
Tell me anything and I'll believe it
'Cause I'm listening with my heart
Maybe it's wrong but that's the way it goes
When the only love you get is down
Cheater's road

Down cheater's road
Oh tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart
Oh tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart
Oh tell me you think that I'm pretty
Tell me you think that I'm smart

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Lonestar is, as its name suggests, a country music band (different from Lone Star - British rock band of the 1970s). They formed in 1992 with founder members Michael Britt (lead guitar, harmony vocals) Keech Rainwater, (drums, percussion) Dean Sams, (keyboards, melodica, harmony vocals) Richie McDonald (co-lead vocals, rhythm guitar, piano) and John Rich (bass, co-lead vocals).

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