Kodak Black

Songtext Came thru flushin' Kodak Black


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Came thru flushin'

I came here with nothin', now, I got that money, now, they know me
Came through flushin', I put the bustin' on the Rollie
Them niggas say fuck me, I swear to God that was my whodie
Stick from the Russians, I got a hundred, and it's loaded
My ear to the streets, and I got my eyes on my opponent
These niggas want beef, and I got that heat for whoever want it
I'm a fool on these beats, but with that piece, I act a donkey
I'm back on that lean, when I get to the scene, I'm actin' bolegs

Stick in my jeans, I'm on a bean, I don't know what's wrong with me
Rockin' the mic', and I'm totin' pipe, I'm at the show with it
Shorty, she nice, but that bitch ain't right, she fuckin' got four leg
Pulled up in a Viper, I was on a bike, I was on a go ped

Like it or love it, forever thuggin', that's how I be
Wilding' for nothin', I'm out in public acting acky
I see it comin', I'ma find a plug in Abu Dhabi
I'm on a monkey, but I ain't no monkey on high heat
He just beat a case and jumped out the Wraith and caught a body
Just beat a case and jumped out the Wraith and caught a body
My bitch caught me cheatin', she went to beefin', took my car key
I'm totin' this heat, it got me conceded, actin' cocky
I keep it gutter, these pussy niggas be tryna knock me
I keep it comin', them pussy niggas be tryna stop me
Hit the floor runnin', them pussy niggas was tryna block me
The judge throwing numbers he's giving Boas like it's rocky
Came from the struggle where you don't make it out lightly
And then, when you make it, they go to flamin' 'cause you icey
We hop out with skis, we kill with ease like the ISIS
I got me some cheese, remember we was in a crisis
Pulled up on the scene I'm in a stolo two-door Chrysler
Not a foreign, no keys, remember I was on a bicycle
'Member I had to ask for it
Knew daddy and my mama poor
Walkin' up to the older boys, give me a dollar for a popsicle
Give me a dollar for a ice cream
Shit turned around, and niggas I use to look up to say they don't like me no more
I was on a chase I almost got away until they turned on they little high beam

Gleeful, gleeful, gleeful
I don't know what's wrong with me
Glee, glee, glee
I don't know what's wrong
What's wrong with me?

I say the stick in my jeans, I'm on a bean, I don't know what's wrong with me
Rockin' the mic', and I'm totin' pipe, I'm at the show with it
Stick in my jeans, I'm on a bean
Rockin' the mic', and I'm totin' pipe
The stick in my jeans, I'm on a bean, I don't know what's wrong with me
Rockin' the mic', and I'm totin' pipe, I'm at the show with it
Shorty, she nice, but that bitch ain't right, she fuckin' got four leg
Pulled up in a Viper, I was on a bike, I was on a go ped

Gleeful, gleeful, gleeful
I don't know what's wrong with me

Like it or love it, forever thuggin', that's how I be
Wildin' for nothing I'm out in public acting acky
I'm out in public acting acky
Like it or love it, forever thuggin', that's how I be

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