John Michael Montgomery

Songtext Brothers 'til the end John Michael Montgomery


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Brothers 'til the end

Mamma was the drummer in the band
But those sticks would turn to switches if you made her mad
Daddy's amplifier doubled as his chair
They handed down the genes we were born to wear
That's how me and brother Edrow learned to sing
We caught that fever to go off and chase that dream
Barely old enough to sneak into the bars
We were the local weekend country music stars

We were rocked in the same old rocker
Fought over nothin' but it was somethin' back then
Don't always see eye to eye
But let's face it we'll take it for each other on the chin
We were brothers when we started
We'll brothers 'till the end

When we hit the road we went our separate ways
Singin' songs about the way that we were raised
Chasin' each other up and down those charts
We're still local weekend country music stars

We were rocked in the same old rocker
Fought over nothin' but it was somethin' back then
Don't always see eye to eye
But let's face it we'll take it for each other on the chin
We were brothers when we started
We'll brothers 'till the end

We were rocked in the same old rocker
Fought over nothin' but it was somethin' back then
Don't always see eye to eye
But let's face it we'll take it for each other on the chin
We were brothers when we started
We'll brothers 'till the end

Yeah, we were brothers when we started
We'll brothers 'till the end

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John Michael Montgomery (born January 20, 1965, in Danville, Kentucky) is an American country music artist. He has produced more than thirty singles on the Billboard country charts, including two of Billboard’s Number One country singles of the year: "I Swear" (1994) and "Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)" (1995). Besides these two songs, five more of Montgomery's singles have reached the top of the country charts: "I Love the Way You Love Me", "Be My Baby Tonight", "If You've Got Love", "I Can Love You Like That", and "The Little Girl", while thirteen more have reached Top Ten. Montgomery's recordings of "I Swear" and "I Can Love You Like That" were both released concurrently with R&B versions by the group All-4-One. Montgomery has also released eleven studio albums, counting a Christmas album. The most recent, Time Flies, was released on his own Stringtown label in late 2008.

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