Devin The Dude

Songtext Briar patch Devin The Dude


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Briar patch

The briar patch
no don't throw me in the briar patch
you can cut off all my toes, but not the briar patch
you can fill me full of holes, but not the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Please don't put me in the briar patch
You can season and cook me, but not the briar patch
for me, no one would ever look off in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch

I hop, I jump, I skip through the rubble
Yo, we ain't lookin for trouble
I's just tryin to get to the other end, I never been
maybe then I can tell my friends how it is, I been
searching for someone to help me, maybe you can
but its hard to tell you how I feel when you got a knife in ya hand
you can carve me
tie me up and starve me
put me on the grill, still nothing can harm me
like the briar patch
dont chunk me inwhat kind of luck would I have then
wait a minute man, before you put me in it, use the gun
let you got a couple of bullets I'll be finished done
or hey, I can help you find a pot
help you build a fire, help you get it good and hot
well unless, you like to eat me cold
you can but oh no please don't throw me in

the briar patch
no don't throw me in the briar patch
you can cut off all my toes, but not the briar patch
you can fill me full of holes, but not the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Please don't put me in the briar patch
You can season and cook me, but not the briar patch
for me, no one would ever look off in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch
Dont throw me in

you's an ugly motherfucker, dog, I just call it like I see it
and your breath is like death, and if you don't like it so be it
I get mistreated by others if you cut above me your not
slice off my toes
if thats how it goes
I really don't give a fuck
if all of this belongs to you
do what you do, go head
but throw me in the briar's patch
and you'll never see so much red
I bled from Destin just tresspassing
cause I'm just askin for a favor
excuse my rude behavior
im just trying to savor the flavor of the fruit I just picked
and if you don't like it, you can suck my dick
but what you don't do
is throw me in the briar patch and then I'm through
come on man, can't we call a truce can we do somethin about it
before people end up crying and shoutin and poutin
man, come on man, that would really hurt our friendly church


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Underground hip-hop rapper Devin the Dude first made a prominent appearance on the platinum-selling Scarface album My Homies in 1998, when he performed two tracks. His debut solo album was released later that year, and he slowly began to build a reputation as a rapper with great potential, helped by a guest appearance on Dr. Dre's multi-million selling 2001. Third album To Tha X-Treme (2004) was praised by critics, but commercial success continued to elude Devin as a solo artist. Most recently, fourth album Waitin' To Inhale (2007) featured guest appearances from hip-hop stars like Andre 3000, Snoop Dogg and Lil Wayne. It was again praised by critics, and this time did better in the shops, reaching No.3 on the Billboard 200 Album chart.

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