Brother Ali

Songtext Breakin' dawn Brother Ali


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Breakin' dawn

Old master had a leper for a child
Left him to fend for himself in the wild
They laughed at him every time he went to town
So he kept to himself and he seldom came around

He loved life and he loved his kin
But he didn't understand why they didn't love him
Slept out in a shed all alone
And all he ever wanted was some friends of his own

The field hands saved him, took him in and raised him
Taught him about love and struggle and patience
They gave him the family comfort he was cravin'
He worked when they worked and he sang when they sang

He sang so clear and so loud that the masters
And their children could hear him from the house
They recognized his voice and ran out
Everybody wanna know what the ruckus all about

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

He said, good Lord, I been waitin' so long
For y'all to come out and take me in the home
The world's so cold with no place to belong
They said, come on in boy, sing us a song

He stepped inside and to his surprise
It was so damn fly, he can't believe his eyes
He ate and he drank and he felt satisfied
Till he sat by the window and he glanced outside

Loved ones out workin'
His eyes got full and his heart start hurtin'
'Cause them folk been singin' for years
And ain't never one of them set foot up in here

Hold up, how y'all get so much
Livin' off of folks like us that got it so rough?
The way you hold them in your cold clutch
Makes me think that you don't love your own souls enough

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

Closed his eyes as he sang every note
The songs he was taught and the ones that he wrote
Stood up, cleared his throat, grabbed his coat
In those last moments a few words was spoke

I used to peek at this old house and all
Imagine what it must be like and all
And this the finest spread these eyes ever saw
But I don't mind sayin' I feel sorry for y'all

All that gettin', so little givin'
Let a lot of y'all forget what's missin'
Built you a big pretty prison to sit in
Strut around here convinced that that's livin'

But we gonna keep on singin'
Keep on soldierin', keep on buildin'
Keep on teachin', keep on listenin'
And keep, keepin' on till the whole thing's different

In his shed the sun started to set
He said all his prayers and lay down his head
Everythin' was said that he needed to say
And one of these mornings we'll wake up to a brand new

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

Preach on Mr. Preacher man, they say
Everybody wanna hear what you have to say
Stand tall, speak loud boy, that's the way
Them songs of yours bring us a brand new day

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