Dp Beats

Songtext Boss Dp Beats


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Der musikalische text BOSS von DP BEATS ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Dp on the beat vol 4 (2019)

Dp on the beat vol 4



Blood Gang
Cap or Die
Lets get it
Tadoe, Ball [?]

If I die it's gon' be from weed, yeah
For motivation I look at my seeds, yeah
Made it out, I'm so damn outta reach, yeah
You can only find me for my reek
Girl you thick, so make it clap for Keef, yeah
They should name a street after me, yeah
Pricey ass shades, I can't see, uh (Nah)
Your bitch wanna lay up with me, uh
For you where you bought it, I got forty, uh
Give your ass fivehead not a forehead, uh
Pull a four by four out, I get snowed in
Kinda like Tadoe, yeah, bitch I'm the Gloden one

'Member when I was a youngin, got worth all I pulled
From 68th to 64th, literally jumpin' off the porch
I was sellin' dope on 61st, pullin' up on 55th
'Member sildin' down 59th, Foenem gon' turn you into a shrimp
Moving to the north suburbs, cops ran a nigga to the hills
Judge sent me to rehab, sayin' how they thought I was ill
Smithy on me no wheel, Shout out Texas, I'm too trill
Bitch bring me my bill, tell me what's the cost for being real, ayy (Bang)

I pay the cost, ayy
To be the boss
I spray like Austin
An arm and leg, that's what the shit gon' cost you
This bitch a stalker, you stuck on that bitch? You still ain't as real as you talk
I'm feeling that shit, that is the reason we bought it
Get off my dick, you know that's your hoe's job
Them niggas don't learn that them bitches [?]
Kay, Kay want more shackles but got enough
I take her out, they want a picture, she hate the buzz
I gotta teach her about the snakes up in the grass, ayy (Let's get it)

'Member when I was a youngin, got worth all I pulled
From 68th to 64th, literally jumpin' off the porch
I was sellin' dope on 61st, pullin' up on 55th
'Member sildin' down 59th, Foenem gon' turn you into a shrimp
Moving to the north suburbs, cops ran a nigga to the hills
Judge sent me to rehab, sayin' how they thought I was ill
Smithy on me no wheel, Shout out Texas, I'm too trill
Bitch bring me my bill, tell me what's the cost for being real, ayy (Bang)

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