The King Blues

Songtext Booted out of hell The King Blues


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Booted out of hell

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na [x2]

Trouble in the extreme for the master mind
caught your knuckle in the green from the daily grind
here in the rubble the routine is to keep us declined
we struggle for a dream that's left us behind
we don't want your vision of the future
we don't want our life to be appraised
the roches will out live the master
then you can find us pissing on your grave

Booted out of hell
with, no place to go
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go

Booted out of hell
with, no place to go
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go

Da na na na na na na naDa na na na na na na na

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na

So I better keep strong and keep on believing
living in the ruts with our numbers increasing
feeling a drop temptature freezing
kicked out of hell so fuck it we're leaving
police man come to move me on
badge in his hand said "Ya better run son"
so I grabbed my bag and I hit the road
Yeah, I'm booted out with nowhere to go

Booted out of hell
with, no place to go
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go

Booted out of hell
with, no place to go
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go
(Ya got no place to go)

wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place
no place to go

Left my bag, ya we took nothing at all man
only thing I have to spend is more time
I live my life like a wandering ermine
floating on the edges of the brink of going mad
following a star, chasing the sun
taking a map of my heart, forever on the run
I walk like I'm going through hell
but I guess only time will tell
how far from the grace of god I fell

Booted out of hell
(they booted us out)
with, no place to go
(we got nowhere to go)
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go
(that's the truth)

Booted out of hell
(they kicked us right out)
with, no place to go
(now we've got nowhere to go)
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place to go
wisdom and knowledge is infinite
when you got no place
no place to go

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na
(we just keep on walking)

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na
(with no place to go, wandering on)

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na
(following that star)

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na
(so if you're going through hell)

Da na na na na na na na
Da na na na na na na na
(keep on going!)

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The King Blues are a ska band accredited for fusing ska and folk rock together with influences from punk rock and hardcore punk. They originate from London, England. Influences include Public Enemy, The Clash, The Specials and Minor Threat.

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