Jimmy Wopo

Songtext Body (feat. max kream) Jimmy Wopo


Body (feat. max kream)

Jordan Kobe on these hoes, ayy
Nobody but my dogs, I ain't have nobody, nigga
Yeah yeah

Trappin' out my grandma's I ain't have nobody
When we was down bad I ain't have nobody
Niggas couldn't hang with us if they ain't have no body
We'll take a nigga's bag and he ain't got nobody
Perky on my bones, molly on my body
Nigga we ain't playin', take your head off your body
I could never be another nigga's body
Bitch we on your ass, better watch your body

Pour a four, I got that drop in my drink
I ain't finna tell no stories, nigga fuck what you think
I got a body early, listen to me, hear me
Oh you a killer, really? really really feel me
You ain't creepin' on them cameras up to project buildings
Bitch I'm on the second floor, dope up in the ceiling
I'm just plotting to drop a nigga, not drug dealing
My youngin' ridin' a rock nigga, like Corey Dillon
Puttin' up money for niggas for when they come from prison
Weak niggas runnin' they mouth, we send 'em to the dentist
Call up T-Roy and Fatboy, yeah they take care of business
Call up Mojo and T-Roy, you know they handle chickens

Trappin' out my grandma's I ain't have nobody
When we was down bad I ain't have nobody
Niggas couldn't hang with us if they ain't have no body
We'll take a nigga's bag and he ain't got nobody
Perky on my bones, molly on my body
Nigga we ain't playin', take your head off your body
I could never be another nigga's body
Bitch we on your ass, better watch your body

[?], Amber, Nicki, J-Lo, Buffy when it come to bodies
Pullin' up to parties, Glocks and shotties, shoot up everybody
Go and and ask my mommy if you doubt me, I was doin' homis
Fool with the tool, too cool, Scottie 2 Hottie
Aim the SIG at your wig, I don't shoot at bodies
Flood your brain like a squid, kalamari
Ladi-dadi, AKs and shotties
Old school shooters, like Atari
Voices in my head sayin' Maxo go and kill a nigga
Monkey ass niggas, we gorillas, make me peel a nigga
Treat 'em like a pack, wrap 'em up, then we seal a nigga
Like a gas station, grab the pump, then I fill a nigga

Trappin' out my grandma's I ain't have nobody
When we was down bad I ain't have nobody
Niggas couldn't hang with us if they ain't have no body
We'll take a nigga's bag and he ain't got nobody
Perky on my bones, molly on my body
Nigga we ain't playin', take your head off your body
I could never be another nigga's body
Bitch we on your ass, better watch your body

Shout out to my nigga Norm, give me aves for forty
I feel like Louie with this TEC, big stuntin' like Porky
Bitch I run 'em back to back out the back like dolci
I got two choppers in the back of the 'lac of the four seat
If we can't get 'em we spin back and attack in the morning
I ball like Jordan and Black Mamba, I'm dunking like Kobe
Call up Ginobili, ain't a day that lil bro bro ain't toting
Manman with the stamps, we posted
Fuck hoes, don't sugar coat it
And a nigga can't sip my codeine
And a nigga can't beat my co-D
Nigga live the suite life like Cody
Free Mook, T-Do, and Brody
I'm a real nigga, young OG
Nigga can't ever lil bro me
Fuck nigga gotta show me

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