Denzel Curry

Songtext Blood on my nikez Denzel Curry


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Der musikalische text BLOOD ON MY NIKEZ von DENZEL CURRY ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Lonely man (2024)

Lonely man


Blood on my nikez

Okay, uh, okay

Okay, okay, set it off, I'ma do the damn thang
Put my name on my gang, on my goddamn chain
To a rich nigga, you a goddamn lame
To a broke nigga, you a goddamn stain

Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy

Mane, how the fuck you get all your bread took?
I'm a real nigga, leave a trail full of dead crooks
Opposite of snitch, you the type to make the feds look
I could make a sham shook, that chopper sing like Sam Cooke
Change gon' come with this drum, please don't get involved
In the M-I-A, it's first forty-eight, you'll be mystery unsolved
So it's best you keep my name out your mouth
This how the fuck it go down in the South
Most of my niggas been down in a drought
So they're lookin' for smoke and you look like an ounce
Lord, forgive me for my sins, I can't spare the rod
In these final days, they're been times that been hella hard
No, I'm not a killer, but my dawg got a darker heart
Jit said he was a demon, so tonight, we'll be playin' God

Okay, okay, set it off, I'ma do the damn thang
Put my name on my gang, on my goddamn chain
To a rich nigga, you a goddamn lame
To a broke nigga, you a goddamn stain
Okay, okay, set it off, I'ma do the damn thang
Put my name on my gang, on my goddamn chain
To a rich nigga, you a goddamn lame
To a broke nigga, you a goddamn stain

Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy (I'm the godfather of this shit, shut the fuck up, let's go)

Get him hit, sent the word without sayin' a single word
He claim he a rider, now that nigga ride in a hearse
Stupid nigga tried to play me dirty, now he in the dirt
His homies ain't gon' do shit but go put his name up in a verse
All you niggas pussies, should wear halter tops and miniskirts
This Draco like a nine to five, who wanna come and get this work?
Whoever the loudest in this bitch is who gon' get it first
This bitch confused, how she wearin' Coach but wanna sit in first?
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Louis boots
Drum on the chopper like a muhfuckin' hula hoop
2023 and you know these niggas don't scrap no more
I keep the .19 like I'm Leonardo DiCaprio

Okay, okay, set it off, I'ma do the damn thang (Yeah, ayy)
Put my name on my gang, on my goddamn chain (Shut the fuck up)
To a rich nigga, you a goddamn lame (Ayy)
To a broke nigga, you a goddamn stain (I'm the godfather of this shit, mane, Juicy)
Okay, okay, set it off, I'ma do the damn thang
Put my name on my gang, on my goddamn chain
To a rich nigga, you a goddamn lame
To a broke nigga, you a goddamn stain

Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy
Mane, let me wipe the blood off my Nikes, ayy

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