King Sun

Songtext Big shots King Sun


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Big shots

Once upon a time there was a big diesel kid
Who just got sprung from a 10 year bid
10 years is a long time, he left as a pup
But came out as an adult, about to act up
Out on the block he played the average street games
Gamblin, scramblin, just to build up a name
Pumped a few pockets, he got on the spot
Not until he bought a Benz did his name get hot
Out on the streets slingin big rocks on concrete
Those who tried to play him, they cold got beat
I mean cold, you dissed him and you just got smoked
Then he'd take your spot and leave your family broke
Even five-o was petro and wouldn't even act up
To give him a ticket, they'd have to call in for back-up
That's how extra and large the boy got
Just gettin started in the game of a big shot

(Gangsta boogie, gangsta boogie)

It only took two years for all of this to occur
He met a light-skinned squally and flipped over her
She was dope alright, but the girl was so young
Her eyes was so lovely that money was strung
This kid was 23 and the girl 16
See, another street king had now found his queen
And he was runnin things, puttin others in fear
Makin 20 g's a week, and that's a million a year
Steppin out to the club with his girl in a mink
Wearin custom-made jewels and big fat links
Go upstairs where his place would be set
With the choice of Dom Perrignon or Moët
Four soldiers undercover loungin with his brother
Everybody strapped with a vest and a rubber
Just in case somebody's girl got hot
But she was bagged and ragged in the club by a big shot

Extra large

Spots from the east to the westside he ran
If money was power, then this kid was He-Man
Never again would homeboy go thirsty
Cause he bought a mansion in Patterson New Jersey
The house that was owned by Lou Castello
At the age of 25 life was so mellow
A father of 4, each had different mothers
That's to my knowledge, might have had others
Nothin could go wrong, the world was his
Until one day somebody gave him a quiz
To see if he was thorough or just a front
A kid pulled out and got smoked like a blunt
The brother knew how to react on impact
Bust him in the shoulders, opened up his back
Three more to go, what was four deep
Who were sent on a mission to put him to sleep
He dipped in a Benz, bein pursued by a van
Picked up the cellular phone to call his man
They strapped up and loaded up in the trucks
With A.K.'s, nines and Uzis, ready to buck
Now homebody was doin like 100 quick
Down the block cold jettin and not sweatin conflict
Bullets were flyin from the van behind him
His boys were rollin, but they couldn't find him
The city was large, and they had to think fast
He had on a vest, but what if he crashed?
The brother made a right, and what happens then?
A big yellow sign that read 'dead end'
Now he could give his soul to the essence to keep
All of a sudden there were shots from a black jeep
It was his young girl who met him at the spot
Cause she was always taught first hand from a big shot

19 year old female was so bold
Her and the homegirls always had ammo
The brothers in the van just kept on firin
Deep in the background the sounds of sirens
The kid in the Benz, got out and got shot
Caught two in the leg, and the leg was real hot
He fell to the ground with no strenght to run
The clip was empty in his automatic gun
The girl in the jeep had blocked off the street
Tryin to save a big shot from defeat
Crazy gunfire last for a while
But then came the trucks with the Bigfoot style
A.K.'s and Uzis weighed more than tons
Killed the three brothers that tried to run
The ones who lived were arrrested by the cops
But the charges were dropped, the judges were paid by big shots

Listen, it's not hard to take charge
Life of a big shot is extra large
Strictly do or die, makin moves direct
Cause a big shot will always get just due respect
From east to west coast, mainly minorities
Make enough money to buy the authorities
Dollars are chill when the women are real hot
So no matter what, you'll always remember a big shot

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King Sun is a performer. His discography includes Righteous But Ruthless, Strictly Ghetto, Strickly Ghetto and XL. He is a member of King Sun-D Moet.

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