Theophilus London

Songtext Bebey Theophilus London


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Der musikalische text BEBEY von THEOPHILUS LONDON ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Bebey (2019)




Breaking the evening, off
Catching a nice breeze thru the day line
Singing in my mind it's the way life goes
Ain't cutting a man slack imma take mine
The love is alright and the grace shall show
Sun down I'll meet you by the sea line
I'll whip it off ya top while ya braid my hairrrrr
Braid my hair

Baby you on top of me
Fills my heart times three
I'm flawed in ectasyyy

Baby you on top of me
Fills my heart times three
I'm flawed in ectasyyy

Summer Theo
Run away to Rio
Clear ya mind with a rare vino
You and me tho?
We could groove againLike Tay and Stella
Get our groove again
She want a fine grown fella
Something smoove again
Take the top of feeling make me ooze again
Give me a rib a salad and I'm Gucci
She want me to smoke her and chief like a loosie
Kissing on her neck I got respect for the coochie
Groove to groove me don't groove to lose me
Rhonda, Susie them girls is bougie
Meet me in the lot we bop in my two seat
Two seat I'm on the block like I'm Boosie, Boosie
Yeah I'm feeling like a new me
New me
Yeah I'm feeling like a new me
New me
Yeah I'm feeling like a
Feeling like a
A new me
I'm feeling like a new me

I hop on the next flight to Soweto
These two girls they sat right behind my chair
Dear God, I thank you for the double
Bismillah you know jeans Dior
Oh lord she move to the baseline
And her top lineeee it make her waist line
Goooooo it make her waist line goooo

Baby you on top of me
Fills my heart times three
I'm flawed in ectasyyy

Baby you on top of me
Fills my heart times three
I'm flawed in ectasyyy

Watch how she grooves to the baseline
It make her waistline gooooo
Baby babe gave u all my trust
I done paved the way to make all this such
I love u more, do you love me more?
I'm waiting I'm waiting to get off this tour
Baby babe as we take our hearts
Learn to pray as we make this start
Lonely sins they come out the dark
Love will wash them off

Breaking the evening, off
Breaking the evening, off
Breaking the evening, off
Breaking the evening, off...

You on top of me
Fills my heart times three
I'm flawed in ectasyyy...

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