
Songtext Beautiful day 916Frosty


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Der musikalische text BEAUTIFUL DAY von 916FROSTY ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Mirabella (2023)



Beautiful day

All participants head to your designated testing zones
We will begin in just a moment
Welcome to Mirabella
The latest experience from M-RLD Corporation
Here you will find what you've always wanted
So why leave?
We hope you enjoy your stay

I got the bands on me, ayy
Got 'em jumpin' off they feet
She move her body to my beat
Woah, walkin' down on the runway
Baby girl, is you a angel or demon-uh?
Doesn't matter when I'm puttin' it deep in her
Mama askin' when th? money gon' be with us
Me and my God stay fri?nds, we teamin' up

Look outside, it's a beautiful day (Yeah)
Had to do it in a wonderful way
In the sky, not a bird, not a plane
It's just me when I'm flying away, yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Look outside, it's a beautiful day
Look outside, it's a beautiful day
Look outside, it's a beautiful day

Ayo, working out the kinks (Huh)
Breakin' out my cage
Promise that I ain't the monster
Why you so ashamed? You had all these different options
(Girl, I know you're toxic) Can't we just be honest?
She talk bad at me, woah, I'll be on my way (I'll be on my way)
She talk 'bout a link, woah, I'll be on my way (I'll be on my way)
Cameras on my right (Cameras on my right, woah)
Hoes on top of the table, yeah
Sippin' that bottle like a baby, yeah, yeah, yeah
This is what you came for, show me what you paid for it
I ain't the same old kid you started messing with
'Cause I'm the bad one now, better close your eyes
I hit my shawty up, tell her that I—

I got the bands on me, ayy
Got 'em jumpin' off they feet, ayy
She move her body to my beat
Woah, walkin' down on the runway
Baby girl, is you a angel or demon-uh?
Doesn't matter when I'm puttin' it deep in her
Mama askin' when the money gon' be with us
Me and my God stay friends, we teamin' up

Look outside, it's a beautiful day (Yeah)
Had to do it in a wonderful way
In the sky, not a bird, not a plane
It's just me when I'm flying away, yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Look outside, it's a beautiful day
Look outside, it's a beautiful day
Look outside, it's a beautiful day (It's a beautiful day)

I can't believe they fell for it
I wonder where they are now
Check the live feed, we'll dispose of them later

In L.A., walk out with the whole store
Woke up thinkin' 'bout these bitches, but they so borin'
Wait, cut the beat
In this bitch like South Pole (Hey)
Out the box, ain't no Roddy
Sorry baby, I ain't sorry
And the feds know they own you
I've been posted in the field like the goats do
I-I done seen a lot of shit, girl, you is fucked
You can tell me what you want, but I don't give a fuck (Give a fuck)
Hop in the Benz
Fuckin' a ten
I'm gonna win
I'm gonna win
You was my friend, yeah
Now, to me, you're dead
Get out my head
Get out my head
I don't even know what's happening
I don't even know what's happening
You and the fakes
I don't wanna hang, silence

Silence (Give a fuck)
Silence (Give a fuck)
Silence (Give a fuck, give a fuck)
Silence (But I don't give a fuck)
Silence (Give a fuck)
Silence (Give a fuck)
Silence (But I don't give a fuck)

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