
Songtext Beat it up Foxx


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Beat it up

Beat it Up [x9]

Girl I'll beat the breaks off ya [x4]

[Verse 1:]
Look at this big fine trina lokkin muthafucka,
I don't know yo baby daddy you don't know my baby motha,
I just wanna beat it up we ain't gotta date eachotha,
Take ot to the days inn and me and you can rape eachotha,
Tell me wat you drankin on and I'm a buy a picture of it
Throwin all dat azz around you need to let a nigga touch it
Picture perfect let me take a picture of yo coke bottle
I don't pay for pussy but for you I got a couple dollas,
Bouncin on me got me feelin like you feelin how I feel
Drunker than a wine head higher than a damn hill
Gone pop that x pill then gone pop that next pill
Show me how yo sex feel then gone to that next drill
Put yo lips around it let me see you suck it, suck it, suck it
You'nt do that then never mind fuck it, fuck it, fuck it
Let me get this trojan on and I'm gone beat it till it's numb
This wat I say when they want some

[Chorus x2]

[Verse 2:]
I'm walkin throu the club all I see is ass everywhere
Hoes get to pointin ain't you o boy I'm like yea
I'm lookin like a millionarie, neck wrist froze up
I been on that henne so I'm pullin hoes clothes up
Feelin like I'm all tht walkin round with my nose up
I know I asked for 2 tum tollas bitsh wat the hold up
You actin like I ain't who I am I'm mista trill fam
I don't like to see people sobba you want this pill man
Work it out show me you legal show me some ID
Hit the store and go get som rubber don't want HIV
I like the way you keep it 100 plus you a dim piece
You won't believe I spent 100 just on my time piece
Money, money, money you holerin it don't impress you
I don't wannaa talk just let a nigga undress you
You ain't gotta worry tommorow I'm goen respect you
But I'm gone tell you like this boo

[Chorus x2]

[Verse 3:]
I'm lookin at this bad bitch I'm given her that sexy eye
That liqure done kicked in so I'm feelinlike I'm a sexy guy
My fit so on and I ain't spent nothin less than five
She agreed to leave with a nigga so it's malestin time
I'm a beat it up like mouse said on that hominized
You proly used to gettin ate out but I'm ain't those guys
Wat I'm tryna do is get situated in those thighs
Kesp on doin wat you doin now it's gone be drill time
I see you dancin with yo eyes on foxx
Girl I wanna see you ride on top
Pick up and let it drop
Girl you workin with a nice fat box
Even hoez gotta give you yo props
I see you dancin with yo eyes on foxx
Girl I wanna see you ride on top
Pick up and let it drop
Girl you workin with a nice fat box
Even hoez gotta give you yo props


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Foxx is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Street Gossip. Their most popular genre is Pop.

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