Craig Finn

Songtext Be honest Craig Finn


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Be honest

Her body was an outpost for ideas that didn't work
A nation failed and broken
Invaded and then burned
And the crumbles and the ashes that settled in her purse
Were the ruins of an empire and the people we once were

We were limping up towards Lake Street and she motioned towards the church
Said the hardest question thing they ask me is ?Amanda does it hurtà?
?Cause it's not pain, it's more like pressure on the edges of my eyes
I see scales and bloody feathers when I look into the lights

And my password is ?be honestà
And my network is evolved
And I can't guarantee I'll pick up every time that you call

Ain't it spooky when they all go away?
Ain't it strange when they just disappear?
It really sucks getting sick on the bus
It's even worse when the teenagers cheer
Ain't it funny how we all get by?
But not the way that makes us laugh
The lust burns off into handshakes and hugs
In the end it comes down to the cash
I was calling from the carpark when they kicked in the door
They pulled the pistols from the holsters
Put the people on the floor
It's not the fear, it's the frustration
Getting sick of being scared
They pulled your princess to her feet
Made a handle from her hair

I was thinking about the progress
How a change is going to come
I was hearing the announcements
I was running from the guns
Desperation fueled the dancers
There's a sadness in the sex
They lingered over dinners and then ran out on the check

And our safeword is still 'stop ità
And our style is self involved
And I can't guarantee I'll pick up every time that you call

Ain't it something how the people switch partners?
Yeah, you just got to wait your turn
It's really hard getting kicked in the heart
It's even worse watching big buildings burn
Ain't it strange how it all fades to black
Just when it starts to feel really nice?
I was banging round your party
Trying to locate all the love and the light

And the speed it crested early and then it ran its course
I showered and got ready and started on my chores
It was rushing through my blood
It was coming from my pores
And my heart was charging forward and I threw up off the porch

We were limping up on Lake Street and she motioned towards the church
She said the hardest question ever is ?Amanda does it hurtà?
It's not pain, it's just a pressure but it some ways that's much worse
The ruins of an empire and the people we once were

If revolution is really coming then we all need to be well
So maybe it's just best if we both take care of ourselves

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Craig Finn is a performer. He is a member of The Hold Steady and he was a member of Lifter Puller.

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