Guy Sebastian

Songtext Battle scars Guy Sebastian


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Battle scars

(Feat. Lupe Fiasco)

[Intro: Lupe Fiasco]

The wound heals but it never does
That’s cuz you’re at war with love
You're at war with love, yeah

[Hook: Guy Sebastian]

These battle scars, don’t look like they’re fading
Don’t look like they’re ever going away
They ain't never gonna change
These battle

[Verse 1: Lupe Fiasco]

Never let a wound ruin me
But I feel like ruins wooing me
Arrow holes, they never close from cupid on a shooting spree
Feeling stupid cuz I know it ain't no you and me
But when you're trying to beat the odds up
Been trying to keep your nods up
And you know that you should know
And let her go
But the fear of the unknown
Holding another lover strong
Sends you back into the zone
With no Tom Hanks to bring you home
Another night of fighting
On the frontline with a poem
Trying to write yourself a rifle
Maybe sharping up a song
To fight the tank and drones of you being alone

[Pre-hook: Guy Sebastian]

I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched
I wish that I could stop loving you so much
Cuz I’m the only one that's trying to keep us together
When all of the signs say that I should forget her
I wish you weren’t the best, the best I ever had
I wish that the good outweighed the bad
Cuz it’ll never be over, until you tell me it's over


[Verse 2: Lupe Fiasco]

(Just leave)
You shouldn't have but you said it
(And I hope you never come back)
It shouldn't have happened but you let it
Now you're down on the ground screaming medic
The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses
Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work
Thats why you're in a locker full of hurt
The enemy within and all the fires from your friends
The best medicine is to probably just let her win

[Pre-hook: Guy Sebastian]

I wish I couldn't feel
I wish I couldn't love
I wish that I could stop cuz it hurts so much
And I’m the only one that's trying to keep us together
When all of the signs say that I should forget her
I wish you weren’t the best, the best I ever had
I wish that the good outweighed the bad
Cuz it’ll never be over, until you tell me it's over


[Bridge: Guy Sebastian & Lupe Fiasco]

Cuz you've set me on fire
I’ve never felt so alive, yeah

Hoping wounds heal, but it never does
That's because you're at war with love

And I’m at the point of breaking
And it’s impossible to shake it

See, you hoped the wound heals, but it never does
That's cuz you're at war with love
Hope it heals, but it never does
Thats cuz you're at war with love!

[Hook x2]

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