Tears For Fears

Songtext Badman's song Tears For Fears


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Badman's song

Heard every word that was said that night
When the light of the world put the world to right

Well here's to the boys back in 628
Where an car to the wall was a twist of fate
I will shine a blinding light
Through those hearts as black as night
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But at least the seeds of love will be sown

Now once in a while when I feel no shame
I get down on my knees and I pray for rain
And though the breeze blows gently while I state my case
There'll be certain men waiting just to scratch my face
Hand on my heart I will make a stand
For the life and the times of the mirrorman

In my head there is a mirror
When I've been bad, I've been wrong
Food for the saints that are quick to judge me
Hope for a Badman
This is the Badman's Song

Guilt in the frame of the looking glass
Puts a shine on the mind where reflections pass
Where the jigsaw pieces of a broken man
Try and fit themselves together again
Lies in disguise in the name of trust
Put your head in the sand it will turn to dust!
What's your problem? What's your curse?
Won't it make the matter worse?

In my head

And they say Faith can move mountains
Fire can cleanse your soul
Faith can move mountains
But mind over matter won't stop all your chatter No!

I heard every word that was said that night
When the light of the world put the world to right
When I hear soft whispers at the break of day
(I'm in trouble every step of the way)
Sweet talking boys who can do no wrong
When the stories are tall as the day is long
With such a thin line drawn between friend and foe
Lord help me now and bless my soul!

Look at yourself See how you lie
Your hands start shaking and you don't know why
Look at yourself See how you lie
Your hands start shaking and you don't know why

Well there's food for the saints that are quick to judge me
Hope for a Badman

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Tears for Fears are a UK synth-pop band, formed by Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith. They topped the charts in 1989 with \"Sowing the Seeds of Love\".

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