Jimmy Wopo

Songtext Backdoor (feat. sonny digital) Jimmy Wopo


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Backdoor (feat. sonny digital)

Skinny nigga, but I play with them choppers nigga
What's the haps? What's popping nigga?
You gonna meet your match, keep talking nigga
You gonna meet that MAC, we're talking with ya
We gonna bust these bullets 'till your body give up
Try me in the mall I pull a Hottie nigga
First let me hop up out that Rari, Illuminati
Money baby she massaging my Versace
Nigga, extra antes feed the family
XD 40 come in handy
Popping Xannys, smoking granny
Bitch we trapping out the bandy
Cruising, blew one out the van he hit a nigga Karlos Dansby
Cleaned the block up yesterday, we back today
Any left over niggas getting thrown away
Woke up on that money drinking Hennessy
Aye ay, plus I popped a perc, but you gon' learn today
Popped the carbon, let that bitch do karate
Popped a band, now them hundreds sitting sloppy
Popped your mans, let you identify the body
Ooh, bitch I think I'm John Gotti

You ain't getting money, you ain't making noise
Pull up on them big wheels like some little boys
Grown men but we play with toys
I'm that problem that you should avoid
What happened to that boy?
What happened to that boy? Heard it was a back door
What happened to that boy?
What happened to that boy? Heard it was a front door

We let the money through the front door
Ay, then let them bitches out the back door
Ay, when you keep that shit a hundred nigga
Aye, you ain't never gotta act broke
Ay, let go
Blue hundreds, I keep it on me nigga
Ay, you know, not to run up on me nigga
Ay, you know, I keep it by me nigga
Stop the violence, keep the peace, but please don't try me nigga
Ay, lord save 'em lord save 'em
Ay, why they acting like they love 'em but they hate 'em
Ay, I see you stealing all the sauce that we created
Ay, I don't deal the cards, my nigga I just play 'em

You ain't getting money, you ain't making noise
Pull up on them big wheels like some little boys
Grown men but we play with toys
I'm that problem that you should avoid
What happened to that boy?
What happened to that boy? Heard it was a back door
What happened to that boy?
What happened to that boy? Heard it was a front door

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