Sea Wolf

Songtext Back to the wind Sea Wolf


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Back to the wind

Still recall how I was all fixed up in the hall
Yet still the wind seemed to pierce
Through me again, through the veneer
Stay the same, know your name
For you are just a flame
Thought when I heard, heard the news
As gold and red flickered and blew

So I have become what I have become, what I have become
Is this all there is? Is this all there is? Is this what it is?
Oh, my mother, how I saw her cover me up in her arms again

Hold on tight, always fight
Don't let fly the white, always my creed
And there wasn't room for any more need
At least not so soon
Now that I know what I didn't know
When I held your hand, light streamed in
Opened your eyes, saw me begin
To let go of the prize

So I have become what I have become, what I have become
Is this all there is? Is this all there is? Is this what it is?
Oh, my mother, how I saw her cover me up in her arms again
Turn her back to the wind
Oh, now my father, how I wished he'd bothered
To hold me in his arms again, turn his back, back to the wind
Back to the wind

But now that I'm turning, now that I'm turning
The flame will keep burning, the flame will keep burning
But now that I'm turning, now that I'm turning
The flame will keep burning, the flame will keep burning

So I have become what I have become, what I have become
And this is all there is, this is all there is, this is what it is
So welcome to the world, welcome to the world, welcome to the world
Welcome to the world, welcome to the word, welcome to the world

Welcome to the world, welcome to the word, welcome to the world
Welcome to the world, welcome to the word, welcome to the world

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Sea Wolf is a band led by Alex Brown Church, an indie rock musician based in Los Angeles, California. Church attended film school at NYU and was a founding member of a group called Irving in 1998. Many of the songs he wrote as a member of Irving didn't fit the group's style, and so Church began performing as Sea Wolf with a rotating ensemble of backing musicians, playing locally in Los Angeles and recording demos in Seattle with producer Phil Ek (Band of Horses, The Shins, Fleet Foxes). Sea Wolf signed to Dangerbird Records in 2007 and released the Get To The River Before It Runs Too Low EP and a full-length titled Leaves In The River. The latter hit No. 24 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart.

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