
Songtext Arguments Ddg


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TreOnTheBeat, yeah

Look, baby, listen, them hoes was lyin'
Here, take a tissue, don't like you cryin'
I wouldn't cheat bae, you're just too perfect
I cannot lose you, it's just not worth it
I know they tweeting, them hoes is cappin'
I thought I told you ain't nothing happen
I never want you to sit there clueless
Baby, I love you, I thought you knew this
Stop gettin' angry, stop all the madness
We meant to be, look how long we lasted
Sadness, I ain't eat in days like I'm fastin'
Blasted, I wanna be with you 'til my casket
I'm just disappointed in your actions
Then you get upset in my reactions
To be honest, babe, I'm just passin'
We were doing straight and now we're slanted

I want you in my life, girl, fuck a solo
All the arguments and fights, I can't do it no more
You asked am I alright and I really don't know
You said I can be replaced, baby, that's a low blow
I want you in my life girl fuck a solo
All the arguments and fights, I can't do it no more
You asked am I alright and I really don't know
You said I can be replaced, baby, that's a low blow

Baby, I understand your mental, I need you to know
I got work to get done, I got the shows on the road
Secure the bag so we can take a trip to Italy
I know I’m a pain so I’m confused to why you into me
I guess this is love and I’m certain that it is
I see you got baby fever, one day we should have some kids
We in love, why we fighting? We just need to face it
It’s a marathon, you last longer when you pace it
I just want you to know I just want us to grow
When we be fightin’ I feel so low, though
Are we gon’ last? I don’t know no more, I don’t know no more
Put your foot on the gas, fuck a stop sign, go (Yeah)
I think we thinking too much, let’s just go with the flow

I want you in my life girl fuck a solo
All the arguments and fights, I can't do it no more
You asked am I alright and I really don't know
You said I can be replaced, baby, that's a low blow (Yeah)

Last verse was before the breakup
Still wondering if we gon' make up
Can't sleep girl, nah, I gotta stay up
I miss the nights when we used to cake up
Used to text "good morning," now I get a "GM"
Washed up rappers in your fuckin’ DM
Still wondering if you went to see him
Stayed out 'til the morning, after fuckin' PM
You got back in the morning, I'm talkin' 6 in the morning
Our connection got boring
You gon’ make me glo up and go and cop me a foreign
You been sleepin’ on me lately, girl, it sound like you snoring (Yeah)
Used to be my baby, now I call you my ex
Them basketball players only want you for sex
Them internet niggas look at you as a check
Girl, I loved your ass to death, treated you with respect
Took you to the islands, girl, that came from the heart
I ain't really feel the love, I was doing my part
It's a whole list of shit, I don't know where to start
Go and find another man, girl, you cute and you smart

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