G Herbo

Songtext Any other way G Herbo


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Any other way

Big Oz on the keyboard and shit (Boy, I think about it every night and day)
Ayy, text one of 'em, text them niggas downstairs and tell 'em to get me a drink, a drink or somethin', like a water (I'm addicted, wanna drown inside your love)
Bring me a cup of liquor too though, I ain't gon' lie, I might need it, hm
Big Swerv', Big Swerv', Big Swerv' (I wouldn't wanna have it any other way)
The biggest Swerv', I'm the biggest Swerv' (I'm addicted, and I just can't get enough)
I'm Big Swerv', fasho that (Phew), you know that

I neglected school 'cause I was on my shit
I neglected my family too 'cause I was on a hit
When we blitz, it's two plus two, that was all we knew
In them streets gotta play by rules, bitch, that's all we do
Real life if we on the work, so we don't watch the news
War time, it's two sides, you gon' win or lose
(Ayy, ayy, ayy) If you with us, choose
(Ayy, ayy, ayy) Ayy, if you with us, prove it
Summer time, bitches callin', it was all of us coolin'
Hundred-fifty when they callin', just a few of us doin' it
No bap, before Cap I can't lie 'bout no drills
I tote a strap, no rap, I can't lie how I feel
Used to trap, witness that, we havin' free J's
Slept in traps, but 'bout rap, ain't slept in three days
Used to sleep in hallways, now we play freeways
No matter how I feel, I always think 'bout CJ, no bap

Before rap, it was just me and the ones I love (Boy, I think about it every night and day)
Ones we shared blood, all day throwin' slugs, uh (I'm addicted, wanna drown inside your love)
And even when we did drugs, it was always to feel love (I wouldn't wanna have it any other way)
Or be apart of that club, you could never be apart of that number club (I'm addicted, and I just can't get enough)
Unless you run them numbers up

Me and my blood got blood money, what them numbers was
You can't trust no one to you, know nothin' but slug
Used to go throw B's up, but I with my brother's cuz
And all my niggas, they need us, show me and brothers love
Wasn't no one to show affection when we needed a hug
Big old Glocks, no Smith & Wessons when we was the ones
Block hangin', but no Glocks flamin', what it was
Shots flamin', but no sounds ringin', what it was
Hundred hits, but wasn't no room 'bout for my lil' cuz
Know about this shit, I'll clear the room out for my lil 'cuz
A, B, C, D and if you see me, go up top if you BD
Still pop out with my ten shot Glock, it's at least thirty shots if you GD
If you [?] BP vest'll touch yo' chest, you meet these
Ain't never caught no ski mask, that's how we catch [?]
Anytime what it's about, we hop out, baow, we need reasons
Ain't never slid about no clout, if we in doubt, give me reasons

Boy, I think about it every night and day
I'm addicted, wanna drown inside your love
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough

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