42 Dugg

Songtext And i gangbang 42 Dugg


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And i gangbang

Never bite that hand that feeds you, bro, niggas greedy
Never felt what it was like to be loved, bitches be cheatin'
Finally got my hand on some paper, I'm gettin' even
Main mans turned to a hater, this shit is deep
Over money, you'll turn your back on your brother
'Cause of money, I don't know a bitch who really love me, ain't it funny?
I could fill the East up with hunnids
Make a freak fuck for nothin', I don't beef much at all
Still in the hood, reminiscin' 'bout my dawgs
Every time my nigga call, I show out for him
My bitch been in the house, of course, I been goin' out more
The fuck I need clout for? I can't be outscored
Nigga, I can't be outscored

For all my niggas that's callin', bitch, I'm still ballin'
Forty-three for these and I play Mike Jordan
But I play 'em like Stockton, these bitches sellin' like Oxy'
See a hatin' nigga, pop 'em, gettin' rich the only option
Bitch, I grew up with them doctors, you lil' niggas impostors
Might invest a couple houses all in Houston for my youngins
Lookin' for the pints of Wocky
Who ain't gettin' money? Stop it
I might up a million dollars
I done fucked a million bitches
Bitch, I got a million problems, nah, for real
Next time a nigga diss us, he gettin' killed
Bitches think they slick, ain't slick enough, baby, I see you
If you think you can do this shit without me, then so be it
The rest of my time and money gettin' spent on appeals
Crib on the hills, bad bitch who like to chill
Doggybone on her nails, free my fuckin' Uncle Nell
Million dollars on his bail, don't give a fuck no more
Real recognize real, nah, I don't trust no ho
Real recognize real, nah, I don't trust

Tell me if you with me, my nigga, or are you gon' leave?
Main mans turned to a hater, all for some cheese

Never bite that hand that feeds you, bro, niggas greedy
Never felt what it was like to be loved, bitches be cheatin'
Finally got my hand on some paper, I'm gettin' even
Main mans turned to a hater, this shit is deep
Over money, you'll turn your back on your brother
'Cause of money, I don't know a bitch who really love me, ain't it funny?
I could fill the East up with hunnids
Make a freak fuck for nothin', I don't beef much at all
Still in the hood, reminiscin' 'bout my dawgs
Every time my nigga call, I show out for him
My bitch been in the house, of course, I been goin' out more
The fuck I need clout for? I can't be outscored
Nigga, I can't be outscored (I can't be outscored)

You know a nigga came from the slums
What's crackin' to the pastor, still got faith from all the guns
Handheld with a drum on a nigga, if not three
It got one a nigga, give 'em my all, I don't stunt on my niggas
Ayy, tell me if you with me, my nigga, or you gon' leave?
Why I never get the same love? 'Cause I'm me
And my drugs told me, "You could be somethin' special, on Rece"
How the fuck am I stressin'? Thought I ain't need you
Back and forth on this tether, it ain't easy
Momma, please show me how to save my money
Remember countin' down ninety days, I'm comin'

Never bite that hand that feeds you, bro, niggas greedy
Never felt what it was like to be loved, bitches be cheatin'
Finally got my hand on some paper, I'm gettin' even
Main mans turned to a hater, this shit is deep
Over money, you'll turn your back on your brother
'Cause of money, I don't know a bitch who really love me, ain't it funny?
I could fill the East up with hunnids
Make a freak fuck for nothin', I don't beef much at all
Still in the hood, reminiscin' 'bout my dawgs
Every time my nigga call, I show out for him
My bitch been in the house, of course, I been goin' out more
The fuck I need clout for? I can't be outscored
Nigga, I can't be outscored

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