Ani Difranco

Songtext Amendment Ani Difranco


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Der musikalische text AMENDMENT von ANI DIFRANCO ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Which side are you on? (2012)

Which side are you on?



Wouldn't it be nice if
We had an amendment
To give civil rights to
To once and for all just
Really lay it down from
The point of view of women

I know what you're thinking
That's just redundant
Chicks got it good now
They can almost be president
But is worker against worker
Time and time again
Cause the rich use certain issues as a tool
When I say we need the E.R.A ain't cause I'm a fool
It's cause without it nobody can get away
With anything cruel

And you don't need to go far like
Just over to Canada
To feel the height and sense of
Live and let live
What is it about Americans
Like so many pit-bulls
Trained to attack them
To never give

We gotta put down abortion
Put it down in the books for good
As central to the civil rights
Of women
Make diversity legal
Make it finally understood
Through the civil rights of women

And if you don't like abortion
Don't have an abortion
And teach your children
How they can avoid them
But don't treat all women
Like they are your children
Compassion has many faces
Many names
And if men can kill and be decorated
Instead of blamed
Then a woman called upon to mother
Can choose to refrain

And contrary to eons
Of old time religion
Your body is your only
True dominion
Nature is not here to serve you
Or at any cause to preserve you
That's just some preacher man's
Old time opinion

Life is sacred
Life is also profane
A woman's life
It must be hers to name
Let out an amendment
Put this brutal game to rest
Trust, women will still take you
To their breast
Trust, women will always
Do their best
Trust, our differences make us stronger
Not less

In this amendment shall be
Family structure shall be free
We'll have the right to civil our unions
With equal rights and
Equal protection
Intolerance finally

And then there's the kids rights
They'll naturally be on board
The funnel through which
Women's lives are poured
Our family is so big
And we're all so very small
Let a web of relationship
Be laid over it all

Over the strutter of power piled up to the sky
Over the illusion of autonomy on which it relies
Over any absolute that nature does not supply

And the birthing woman shall regain her place
In a circle of women, in a sacred space
Turn off the machines, put away the knifes
This amendment shall deliver from bondage midwives

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