Asap Ferg

Songtext Allure Asap Ferg


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Der musikalische text ALLURE von ASAP FERG ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Allure (2025)




Ear Drummers
That money go for miles
Yo, [?]
Pass me the [?] bag
True that, you make noise, man
We gotta make double before 9 o'clock
Mike WiLL Made-It

Live from Atlanta, hit Allure, swiped the credit card, money on deck
Woke up in the Four Seasons, thirty thousand ones in a [?] bag
Only thing you hearin' is a B&B, nigga, ain't built like that
Take the sewer gang on a ski trip, so they don't drill like that
Mama keep callin', say it disrespectful how I treat a mill' like that
I'm like Jesus in the tr?nches way I feel like that
I feel like Noah with th? yacht, a few of the birds in the back
Givenchy model givin' me top, oh naw, we can't post that
And we ain't postin' a lot of shit
We live real life, nigga

Yee, all of my niggas is clean, all of my bitches is mean
Yee, gettin' it straight out the mud, investin' a mill' in a team
Diamonds I drip in the club, I came a long way from the buildin' with fiends
Psychos was hangin' with thugs, stashin' the [?] at 5-15
Well, I got somethin' to tell ya, [Darrel?] was livin' his dream
Pull up in the Gotti in front of the projects, I'm makin' a scene (Woo)
Give all of my packs to the hood 'cause it never meant nothin' to me
Yeah, all of them trips out to Houston, I'm pickin' up pussy and lean
My daddy used to introduce me to killers that came out of Queens
Never meant to be a rapper, now I got a billion streams

Live from Atlanta, hit Allure, swiped the credit card, money all day

A hundred killers when I'm in the city like they want my head (Pluto)
I'm just a street nigga, just rappin' my day ones when fed (Pluto)
You took a pill in my slammer, don't be surprised you ended up dead (Slatt)
I been goin' brazy in the trap, I need to take my meds (Let's go)
I keep body snatchers, keep nappers with me, that's a [?] (Let's go)
I put real trappers and real scammers on the miz-app (True)
Say I'm the reason your lil' brother poppin' Percs and sip that (Woo)
Gotta use a glove to mash this, cook the [?], drip like that
Five thousand shots at my show, they ain't built like that (Ah)
Done took a plea out on your [cody?], get killed like that (Why?)
You claim you slimin' niggas out like that, you ain't built like that (You ain't built like that)
Signin' the statement, you ain't my twin, why you cap like that? (Why you bet?)
I'm in the club, I got two Glocks, while I'm strapped like that (Two Glocks)
I'm in the Beam, I feel like Pac, gotta watch my back (2Pac)
You want a match, you know you signed the pro contract (Yeah)
A hundred Bloods, we mobbin' out, you think Suge Knight back (Freebandz)

Live from Atlanta, hit Allure, swiped the credit card, money on deck
Woke up in the Four Seasons, thirty thousand ones in a [?] bag
Only thing you hearin' is a B&B, nigga, ain't built like that
Take the sewer gang on a ski trip, so they don't drill like that
Mama keep callin', say it disrespectful how I treat a mill' like that
I'm like Jesus in the trenches way I feel like that
I feel like Noah with the yacht, a few of the birds in the back
Givenchy model givin' me top, oh naw, we can't post that
And we ain't postin' a lot of shit
We live real life, nigga

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