Dillon Francis

Songtext All that Dillon Francis


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All that

Attention, ladies and gentlemen
I have all the hoes on my pelvis
'Cause I look like black Elvis
Twista! hit it

I be sonic, I can do it like it was a bigamic
Part of my body get level to me and get speed
Like I was electronic
The crows and rocking beat off the chain
And the party be mad decent
Come and fall through see the weather
We chilling but we kill them whatever you have recent
It's difficult with all the led beefin'
Just come in and follow the twista
Got hundreds of bottles of liquor
With hundreds of models and niggas
And I'm rollin with them
Like dillon francis I'm stuntin on them
Kill 'em chances no walking hold 'em
I'ma go in the club and tell them we up
I be with a little bit of hoes when I brawl
Every party when we in the house
We got put my feet on the couch
They go see me and they shout
We gon get wild like ign them out
While wig in they mouth
Doing whatever that we wanna do
When we get to everybody fall back
And if you ever come asking me how was the party
On that

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

Speak game all that, see my chain all black
With a charm on it, when I make in a flick
Up with a bad bitch I wanna crawl that
And I blowing the flame in the big truck
Give it to the mob that I picked up
Blowing a blob before I go in the club
And I feel they wanna get my dick sucked
Look at the haters, I call on them
Get drunk and I fall on them
Lift up by my designer jeans
And my phone parts as I ball on them
Throw on a party get ratchet
Then I make a toast I hope it don't stop
Too many hoes I don't want no drama
Even though I got the toast I hope I don't pop
And I've got a bag of money, come and show me
That you work the crime up, all the way to the top
And when I drop it gonna twerk it
I'ma throw it and crush it and when it's over I take them all of that
And when she ask me what I want I'ma look at the fatty
All that!

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

We poppin' bottles like they pimples
We turn up, you turn down, understand my lingo?
This for all my girls that look like katy perry
Megan fox turn it up a notch
Don't stop the party go crazy
Let's go dumb, let's go dumb, let's go dumb
Let's go dumb, let's go dumb, let's go dumb
Let's go dumb, let's go dumb, let's go dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb,
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb,
Make, make, make, make make the club, club jump!

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that
We got party all that
Get retarded all that
Hela women, hela bottles popping, we got all that

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