Theophilus London

Songtext All around the world Theophilus London


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All around the world


Bad boy just stepped town
Bad boy stepped town
Asked me, "I am worthy now? "
We heard that the best won't fuck around

Uh, we're the people who came to see
He came to break it down
Cut the lights, cue the sound
See the bodies hit the ground

Them pretty girls be textin'
They wonder where my stacks at
They call me futuristic
They think I am Mister Jetson

Uh, follow this tour bus
We'll get you to the next show
Dudes still be gettin' low

Ooh, we go all around the world everybody singin' alongNever lookin' back, it's a long, long way from my home
Ooh, just tell the sheriff that the party's goin' on all night long
We are back and makin' music like it's nineteen sixty four

Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, hey

Back on the road again
Hittin' Paris on a tent
Kiss my mom and call my friends
Seems like this tour would never end

These kids is fly, these kids got attitude
This is a little somethin' that I had to do
'Cause tired of hearin' your crap
About who need to bring rap back

The girl, they snuck back stage like
"Can we get your autograph? "
The stupid interviews
Questions make us so all laugh

Who are you to ask?
Tell my PR I'm gonna pass
Skip the whiskey, roll a joint
Plus my outfit stays on purple

Ooh, we go all around the world everybody singin' along
Never lookin' back, it's a long, long way from my home
Ooh, just tell the sheriff that the party's goin' on all night long
We are back and makin' music like it's nineteen sixty four

Melbourne, Paris, Tokyo, Berlin
London, Liverpool, Beijing, New York
Melbourne, Paris, Tokyo, Berlin
London, Liverpool, Beijing, New York

Uh, this feels so good right now
You're now listenin' to the world renowned international
International player, uh
All around the world, seen all around, the best

See many places, many different things
Every night I wake up and I respect
Close your eyes and go to dreams
I've seen it all, baby

Ooh, we go all around the world everybody singin' along
Never lookin' back, it's a long, long way from my home
Ooh, just tell the sheriff that the party's goin' on all night long
We are back and makin' music like it's nineteen sixty four

Ooh, we go all around the world everybody singin' along
Never lookin' back, it's a long, long way from my home
Ooh, just tell the sheriff that the party's goin' on all night long
We are back and makin' music like it's nineteen sixty four

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