Rex Orange County

Songtext Alexander Rex Orange County


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Der musikalische text ALEXANDER von REX ORANGE COUNTY ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The alexander technique (2024)

The alexander technique



I've had back pain for most of my life
And the most I ever did was see the doc
And the doc told me that my back was alright
He had initials in his shirt, he had a nice expensive watch
I thought he knew what he was doing or at least what was right
He made me fill a piece of paper out with different questions all about
My health, wellbeing and the state of my life
I'll told the truth, I'm only lying to myself if I should lie
So, I answered everything and did my best to keep it real in b?tween the lines
I gave it back to him, h? took his time and read the paper over once or twice
He looked at me as if to say, "I need to tell you something"
"And don't prepare for me to tell you something nice"
He wanted to know just much I tend to drink and smoke
I told him, how it was and then he gave me this advice
He said, "Ease up on stress, you don't help yourself much"
"It's too intense for you to take, you'll only tense up"
"And you see you have these issues and you struggle to relax"
"So you come see me the doctor to get something for your back"
"But this piece of paper tells me that there's more that you should address"
"I see some anger in you, plus addiction, plus the rest"
"I feel like we should speak about this 'fore it comes first"
"And I know a lot of people who can help for what it's worth"
I said, "I don't know if you don't understand man my back just fucking hurts"
Do I need physiotherapy? Or is it something worse?
He paused and then he asked me, "What, I thought we should do"
I said, "If I knew that then you wouldn't be here man I'm asking you"
He handed me to someone who gave me a blood test
Who handed me to someone else who took my payment and took all of my fucking patience
I should add at this point the doctor had already left
And I resented that man, I never went back to him again
But you know in a weird way I feel like maybe he was right
I may be using my back pain to distract from the pain of life
Feel it all externally, when really it's just inside
Procrastinating, confrontation, every single time
So thank you Mr. Doctor man, I'm now being sincere
I guess I just didn't wanna hear what I didn't wanna hear, okay

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