Central Cee

Songtext Air bnb Central Cee


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Air bnb

You are now listening to Young Chencs
Roddy run it up
(Oh, yeah
Oh, ooh)

Look, I don't know why these guys keep lyin'
You could lock the mandem all you want
But the trap won't stop 'cause the cats keep buyin'
I got links to the Chinese triad
I call YJ if a pattern needs flyin'
Tired, man, I need sleep, I'm tired
Sat in the trap, I don't feel inspired, uh
Swear I need a change of scenery
Somewhere with a bit more greenery
Sun's out but it still looks gloomy
I'll show you a jungle made out of concrete
Woulda' thought that you saw an apocalypse
All your seein' is zombies
Stood in the club with a mask, I'm not too sure while the gyalnem on me
I'm not too sure while th? gyalnem want me
Yeah, you l-you lov? man now, but I wonder how long for
I'm not a believer in reincarnation but sometimes I feel like I been here before, uh
Great minds thinkin' alike, me and my guys got similar thoughts
Got-got a bad one comin' from Brooklyn, askin' would I ever live in New York
B-b-brand new crib and I'm puttin' my plaques up
Back then, it was five in a two bed flat
Me and bros in the bedroom, cramped up
These hoes always wanna act up
Stay focused, we don't let it distract us
Nick gonna let a man stay in his crib
He smoke, so I pay him in crack dust
But it's different, now I got rap buzz
This bitch use me as a rebound, fuck it, I help her get over her heartbreak
Givin' me blows while I was drivin', I had to park up and put on the hand brake
Some man get nicked and sing, you can read all about it, Emili Sandé
The UK don't know want I'm doin', they say Cench ain't got a regular fanbase

Airbnb, turn that to a bando (Bando)
This ain't no regular trap (Trap)
Ten M for the hard drive plugged in the laptop
This ain't no regular math
Thank-thank God every day for our freedom
Whilst time goes, you ain't gettin' that back
Driver knows the protocol
If you see blue lights, gotta step on the gas
Airbnb, turn that to a bando (Bando)
This ain't no regular trap (Trap)
Ten M for the hard drive plugged in the laptop
This ain't no regular math
Thank-thank God every day for our freedom
Whilst time goes, you ain't gettin' that back
Driver knows the protocol
If you see blue lights, gotta step on the gas

Airbnb, turn that to a bando
Ten M for the hard drive plugged in the laptop
This ain't no regular math

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