
Songtext Advanced placement Watsky


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Advanced placement

What's in the recipe of an identity?
How do we get to be here?
Am I a maniac?
Am I a brainiac?
And will it ever be clear?
I've been sticking my pennies into the back of my piggybank
Getting permission before I'm petting the kitty cat
I've been taking a minute for really shedding the baby fat
What up, what up, what up, what up, what up?

This bizarre unfolding of my wings was quite a trip (Trip, trip, trip)
All the pretty colors in the sky began to ripple, drip and stipple like a Lichtenstein
Pimples on my mind
Hey, what's poppin' people? The apocalypse is nigh

Ever since the pitter patter of your little feet upon the patio
You knew you didn't want to be predictable
Coulda been so simple but you had to make it difficult
Got the city at your fingertip but got this shit to pull
Gotta keep on pushing it and pushing it and pushing till it falls down
Maybe you'll be laughing in the end
But I'ma keep at the edge of my seat 'cause you said what you needed
The web's undefeated, you do what you gotta: Hakuna Matata
So ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Gotta make it look easy
Simple as pi (31415926)
Gotta make it look easy
But this life is never (never) never (never) never (never) never (never)
One big piece of cake
One big piece of cake
Big fat piece of cake
Never (never) never (never) never (never) never (never)
Your ass is now in advanced placement

You could be ready for heaven above
I could be seventy-seven and killin' it
Puffin' a jay that I keep in the glove
Right by the rubbers so we could be intimate
And if you're tucking me into my bed
Baby then maybe we'll make illegitimate cinema
We could take out the camera
Take a look at my stamina, so mechanical
I'm not even an animal, not a vegetable
I'm not even a mineral, but I'm mythical
I've become metaphysical when I dig in my tentacles
With the temperament of a savant
For the benefit of better people who want to pick apart the script
Instead of wishing to participate
I piss upon your head until it trickles to your tiny little brain and then disintegrates
I yell into your ear and hear an echo, echo, I'm a sicko, sicko
I say wake up, wake up, here's a stick up, stick up
While ya drink up (drink up) all the hot gossip in your teacup (teacup)
I'm a (I'm a) cold faucet and I'm leaking
And if'n you're feeling wet
Check kisswatskysgluteusmaximus.net (Yeah)

Gotta make it look easy
Simple as pi (31415926)
Gotta make it look easy
But this life is never (never) never (never) never (never) never (never)
One big piece of cake
One big piece of cake
Big fat piece of cake
Never (never) never (never) never (never) never (never) never

No light without dark
No growth without pain
No cake without

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