Tori Amos

Songtext A sorta farytale Tori Amos


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A sorta farytale

On my way up north up on the ventura,
I pulled back the hood and I was talking to you,
And I knew then it would be a life long thing,
A-but I didn't know that we, we could break a silver lining.
And I'm so sad- like a good book I can't put this day back,
A sorta fairytale with you... (a sorta fairytale with you)
A sorta fairytale with you... Ha...

Things you said that day, up on the 101, the girl had come undone.
I tried to downplay it with a bet about us,
You said that you'd take it as long as I could, I could not erase it.
And I'm so sad- like a good book I can't put this day back,
A sorta fairytale with you... (a sorta fairytale with you)
A sorta fairytale with you... Ha...

And I ride along side,
(Riding by, yea)
And I rode along side you then,
And I rode along side 'til you lost me there in the open road,
(Riding by, yea)
And I rode along side 'til the honey spread itself so thin,
(Riding by, yea, yea...)
For me to break your bread, for me to take your word. I had to steal it.
And I'm so sad- like a good book I can't put this day back,
A sorta fairytale with you... (a sorta fairytale with you)
I could pick back up whenever I feel... Ha...

Down New Mexico way, something about the open road-
I knew that he was looking for some Indian blood and,
Find a little in you, find a little in me.
We may be on this road but we're just impostors in this country you know.
So we go along and we said we'd fake it.
Feel better with Oliver Stone 'til I almost smacked him- seemed right that night and,
I don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold.
These guys think they must try and just get over on us. Ha...
And I'm so sad- like a good book I can't put this day back,
A sorta fairytale with you... (a sorta fairytale with you)
A sorta fairytale with you... Ha...

And I was riding by,
(Riding by, yea)
Riding along side, for a while 'til you lost me,
(Riding by, yea)
And I was riding by, riding along 'til you lost me,
(Riding by, yea)
'Til you lost me in the rear view, you lost me. I said, "Hold on..."

Way up north I took my day, all in all was a pretty nice day and,
I put the hood right back where you could taste heaven perfectly.
Feel out the summer breeze, didn't know when we'd be back and I-
I don't- didn't think we'd end up like, like this...

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Myra Ellen "Tori" Amos (Newton, 22 agosto 1963) è una cantautrice, pianista e produttore discografico statunitense. Tori Amos è considerata da critici e pubblico come una delle più importanti figure del rock al femminile degli anni novanta grazie a lavori come Little Earthquakes (1992), Under the Pink (1994) e From the Choirgirl Hotel (1998).

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