
Songtext 9 lives Ddg


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9 lives

(Hey, McNab)

These niggas thinkin' I ain't street, but they don't know, for real
I'm only who I am today because my bro, for real
And they say time heal your grief, well, why I'm hurtin' still?
I seen my mama stressed all day, how we gon' pay the bills?
It's only cold water in the sinks, I couldn't take no bath
You ever had to boil some water just to wash your back?
My family leaning all on me, but I don't sip no Act'
I'm out here taking care of nine lives like I'm a fuckin' cat

But for my family, that's alright, I'm doin' anything
It's to the point where I feel bad for buyin' any bling
I just got rich, so I'm a sucker for the finer things
This Prada shirt and my new kicks with these designer jeans
Is it weird that I miss the struggle?
'Cause when you get the win, it's like the feelin' double
And there's more appreciating 'til the feeling crumble
But I've been winnin' way too much, so now the feeling subtle
So every time I lose once, I gotta win a couple
I stay a step ahead
I be busy, don't judge me if you get left on read
They say the bike ride to the top is not acceptin' pigs
So if you can't ride with me, I hope you understand

These niggas thinkin' I ain't street, but they don't know, for real
I'm only who I am today because my bro, for real
And they say time heal your grief, well, why I'm hurtin' still?
I seen my mama stressed all day, how we gon' pay the bills?
It's only cold water in the sinks, I couldn't take no bath
You ever had to boil some water just to wash your back?
My family leaning all on me, but I don't sip no Act'
I'm out here taking care of nine lives like I'm a fuckin' cat

2019, I was on Perky pills (I was on Perky pills)
All that pain I was feeling, I ain't wanna feel (I ain't wanna feel)
Taking care of everybody, how I was supposed to heal? (Like how I was supposed to heal?)
I was more way peaceful 'fore I even signed a deal ('Fore I signed a deal)
Lost some niggas in the field, hope they get appeals (Hope they get appeals)
Lost G, know it hurt my soul, shit ain't feel real
Life was comin' at me fast, Jesus, take the wheel (Jesus, take the wheel)
No power steerin' in my life, the wrong road kills
Can you pray for me? I need a shoulder to lean on (Need a shoulder to lean on)
Music they repeat, I get in the booth, I just sing on (I just sing on)
If you feelin' what I'm feelin', you welcome to sing along
Nobody there for me, but they call on me like ringtones, yeah (Ayy, oh, woah)

These niggas thinkin' I ain't street, but they don't know, for real (Ayy, oh, woah)
I'm only who I am today because my bro, for real
And they say time heal your grief, well, why I'm hurtin' still?
I seen my mama stressed all day, how we gon' pay the bills?
It's only cold water in the sinks, I couldn't take no bath
You ever had to boil some water just to wash your back?
My family leaning all on me, but I don't sip no Act'
I'm out here taking care of nine lives like I'm a fuckin' cat

It's just like lately I've been turnin' up
Was in the trenches, daily faded, steady burnin' up
I never thought that we'd make it and that hurt was stuck
But still grindin' every day like I ain't earn enough (Like I ain't earn enough)
And I still keep the steel
Really stood on ten, you better not question if I'm street, for real
Lil' bro gon' let it blow, know how we steppin', that's the easy kill
Foenem spinnin' blocks, they love them Glocks, they say we need to chill
It's like they need to drill, uh
Wonder would I still love the money if I ain't have fame?
Say she love me, don't know her first or her last name
I barely made it out, this just how far my past came
That Richard Mille on my wrist, now look how times changed

These niggas thinkin' I ain't street, but they don't know, for real
I'm only who I am today because my bro, for real
And they say time heal your grief, well, why I'm hurtin' still?
I seen my mama stressed all day, how we gon' pay the bills?
It's only cold water in the sinks, I couldn't take no bath
You ever had to boil some water just to wash your back?
My family leaning all on me, but I don't sip no Act'
I'm out here taking care of nine lives like I'm a fuckin' cat

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