Smoke Dza

Songtext 143 Smoke Dza


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I love this shit
Sap is on the beat
I love anything about it
The ups and downs
The losses make the wins so much sweeter
It's all apart of game

Four-hundred forty-eight on the clock, I watch the scale tip
All those out of town trips made me feel a say in this
For not keeping the drugs and the money in the same whip
Multiple vehicle just incase it get dangerous
Right, mask and gloves like I'm Bane
The virus made it easier for us to home invade
They think they got us figured out, but th?y don't know a thing
Put thirty on your headpiece, that's just anoth?r chain
Really, a nice watch
As soon as you put some diamonds in them, the price drop
As soon as I work for self, it put the entire spot
Don't throw me no pity party think that I might stop
Cause I not, I'm at the roundtable cheffin' up hot like was legal
Top shelf, you better cop before my people
Drag your feet, end up paying double, see Tito
Disappointed like Smokey when craig ain't shoot deebo

I love this shit, yeah
I love it, I love it, love it, love it, love it
Love it
I love this shit, yeah
Even if you haters all love me
I love it, yeah

Kush god, say it bluntly, touring the country
Holidays, I'm like [?], everyday comfy
Flood worth, make sure you see when everything comfy
I'd advice, but stay focus, don't turn into junkies
Stand clear, make sure you protect mama and auntie
Grandma, she prays for me she, keeps away junkies
Evil spirits that gyre me, slang, how I pronounce the unsung
Underground king pen, run harlem nigga
New shines, I switch up my monthly plug
Then I grab a couple, a couple, they front me
Look, plus I got a couple on the way
Ya'll are just some suckers in the way, fucking up the play
Still getting money who I came up with
Smoker's club, shout my brother who I flame up with
Marathon, I had endurance when they gave up quick
I got real songs with Nips, no make up shit

I love this shit, yeah
I love it, I love it, love it, love it, love it
Ha, yeah
I love this shit
I love it, I love it, love it, love it, love it

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