Wiz Khalifa

Songtext 100 bottles Wiz Khalifa


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Der musikalische text 100 BOTTLES von WIZ KHALIFA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Cabin fever 2 - mixtape (2012)

Cabin fever 2 - mixtape


100 bottles

It's holiday season, bitch
Whatup Jerm? It's Cabin Fever

Hundred bottles we poppin'
Probably won't even finish it
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
My niggas really livin it
Pussy niggas be targets
Point 'em out and we hittin them then
Spending all of this money
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Hundred bottles we poppin'
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
Pussy niggas be targets
Just to say that we did this shit

Hahaha, ooh
I made it in I hope I make it out
Just bought a pound, bout to bake it out
Put a hundred in bout to take it out
(Put a hundred in bout to take it out)
Goin down like mayday while I'm rollin up that KK
You smoking, you know that I got it
Dope there's no two ways about it
Rolled up a car full of soldiers
Club owners know I'm bout it
Niggas keep talkin' and hatin'
Ain't my birthday but I'm cakin'
Sayin' that we fam no relation
Ain't in that line that you wait in
Drinkin' my eyes like a Asian's
Smokin just like a Jamaican
Take all that time that you wastin'
Porsche 911, persuasions
You need that motivation
That big boat on location
Rollin' up medication
Gettin' money conversations

Hundred bottles we poppin'
Probably won't even finish it
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
My niggas really livin it
Pussy niggas be targets
Point 'em out and we hittin them then
Spending all of this money
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Hundred bottles we poppin'
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
Pussy niggas be targets
Just to say that we did this shit

You know you wanna hop up on this dick ho (tweak)
Joint full of bomb, bout to explode (tweak)
Molly got me on another zip-code (tweak)
Takin' shot after shot, bout to get low
Ground pound with the wild out
Money talk I just dialed out
Fresh man, so styled out bitch, don't you see this?
If you lookin for a genius?
Dirty money hit the cleaners
Gin got me leanin', Wiz I'm through this time I mean it
When I talk I really mean it
If I ain't done it I done seen it
Bitch we on you best believe it
Way to bring a brick of singles
Lame old shams though
If you ain't tryna ball what you playin' for? Biatch

Hundred bottles we poppin'
Probably won't even finish it
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
My niggas really livin it
Pussy niggas be targets
Point 'em out and we hittin them then
Spending all of this money
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Just to say that we did this shit
Hundred bottles we poppin'
Ya'll niggas just be talkin
Pussy niggas be targets
Just to say that we did this shit

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Wiz Khalifa is a performer. Their discography includes Say Yea, Show and Prove and Youngin on His Grind.

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