Kodak Black

Songtext Zombie Kodak Black


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I shoulda been born on Halloween (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
I stay on some zombie shit everyday (Ra-ra-ra-ra)

Rock the mask like a skully 'cause I'm dangerous (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
I be ridin' with my niggas, got them k's in the trunk (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
Keep the ski-mask in my whip, just in case, bruh (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
Banana clips, chopper got a real containers (Ra-ra-ta-ta-ba-ba)

Way them women jump out the car, you would think your mans got popped (Doom, doom, yeah)
Niggas on the 'Gram talking crazy, when they pull up, they get dropped (Woah, woah)
Hundred round drum bustin' at your top, kick down the door, take all you got (Oh yeah)
When DB start spittin' it, you know I can't stop (Yeah, right)
And I keep a Glock on me so you know I'm gon' pop
We snuck the Glock in, yeah, we got the MAC-10 (We got)
These niggas be so broke, they just be flexin', they be cappin' (Yeah)
These niggas know that youg DB got paper, boy, I ain't actin' (Yeah)
You know I don't do no cappin' (No)
Yeah you know we pull up and we whack you
They know I be a killer 'bout action
I love the smoke, .223 with the green scope
Shoot his ass, and if I hate your young nigga, hang him from a green rope
I ain't goin' back and forth with no nigga, they know how young DB stuck
I go and get myself, can't wait to put a body on my belt (Young DB)

Rock the mask like a skully 'cause I'm dangerous (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
I be ridin' with my niggas, got them k's in the trunk (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
Keep the ski-mask in my whip, just in case, bruh (Ra-ra-ra-ra, yeah)
Banana clips, chopper got a real containers (Ra-ra-ta-ta-ba-ba)
Hey, NLE, Top Shotta, ayy, ayy

Vroom, vroom, dum-dum-dum-dum, I'm aiming at your head, bitch, I'm tryna and kill you (Vroom, vroom)
I leave his body stanky like some fuckin' mildew (Yeah)
Banana clip up on the Drake, I'm tryna peel you (Ayy)
I shoulda been born on Halloween
You run up on me and you seein' my thing
AK with a beam and bitch, I'm a fiend
Shoot him in the back and I knock out his spleen (Ay, yeah)
Ayy, I'm keepin' my Glizzies, fuck a Beretta (Yeah)
And just like my step-pa, I'll talk to the devil
I'll shoot at him and you and aim at whoever (Ayy)
I came here to cut a lil nigga like Shredder
This shit get spooky like it's Halloween
Da-da, da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da (Ayy, yeah)
Bitch, it's murder and you know that I'm a fiend (I'm a fiend)
Da, da-da, NLE the top shotta

Rock the mask like a skully 'cause I'm dangerous (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
I be ridin' with my niggas, got them k's in the trunk (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
Keep the ski-mask in my whip, just in case, bruh (Ra-ra-ra-ra)
Banana clips, chopper got a real containers (Ra-ra-ta-ta-ba-ba)

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