Jermaine Dupri

Songtext Yours & mine Jermaine Dupri


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Yours & mine

[J.D. talking]J.
E. y'all, uh, J.D. y'all, that's me
Jermaine Swizz Beats, come on [Chorus - Jagged Edge (J.D. talking with chorus)]
What is yours and mine Yeah, uh huh
Dupri Break this up, none of that stuff This right here
What is yours and mine Is a story about a nigga
Yours Work too hard, way too much wit a lot of paper
Mine What is yours and mine Ha, ha, and his girl
Whatever you won't, can't stop us See, when you gotta lot man
Songtexte What is yours and mine It ain't shit if you can't share it
Songtext Me and you, what is yours and mine You understand what I'm saying
Lyrics [Verse 1 - Jermaine Dupri]Listen, uh, I remember when we first hooked up you was only 17
Lyric Cut off shirts and jeans, was ya only way seen
What I had didn't matter, it was all about us
Liedertexte All day on the phone and the stuff we discussed
I used to come over when ya mom's was gon' (Oow)Liedertext We ain't know what we were doin' but we got our freak on
Alle And one thing lead to another, I introduced you to my mother
Jermaine Like, Ma, this my girl, that's when it started gettin' real
Dupri Feelings stared gettin' caught, gifts stared gettin' bought
And everybody knew the deal
Yours We used to hang out, kiss, argue, and all that
Hang up the phone and call right back
Mine I got to know you like the back of my hand
Songtexte And, you got to show me hoe a girl love a man
Songtext And, we took a small thing to a new land
And when I say I love you, I wanted you to understand
Lyrics [Chorus - Jagged Edge and (Jermaine Dupri)]What is yours and mine (Uh huh, yo)
Lyric Break this up, none of that stuff (Listen to me baby)
Liedertexte What is yours and mine (Uh huh)
Work too hard, way too much (See, we worked too hard)
Liedertext What is yours and mine (Yo, listen to me baby)
Whatever you won't, can't stop us (Yeah)Alle What is yours and mine (Yeah)Me and you, what is yours and mine (Me and you)
Jermaine [Verse 2 - Jermaine Dupri]The older we got, everybody said y'all gon' change
Dupri But when 2-1 came, we was still in the game
Yours 92's new version of, Bonnie and ClydeNo matter what it was, we was side by side
Mine You know the type you see gettin' in the photo booth
Songtexte Matchin' shirts, flea market, photo shoots
Everything I saw cute, shit, you had to have it
Songtext What's a fly life if a nigga can't share it
Lyrics Every new dollar made, I put it on you
Hit the Porsche dealership shit, nigga bought two
Lyric And when I went away, I got ya named tattooed
A yo, I try to put the big bling on ya hand
Liedertexte Cause uh, you show me how a girl love a man
Liedertext And, we took a small thing to a new land
And when I say I love you, I wanted you to understand, it's real
Alle [Chorus - Jagged Edge and (Jermaine Dupri)]What is yours and mine (Yeah, uh huh)
Jermaine Break this up, none of that stuff (Uh. listen to me baby)
Dupri What is yours and mine (Uh)Work too hard, way too much (We worked too hard)
Yours What is yours and mine (Listen to me baby)
Whatever you won't, can't stop us
Mine What is yours and mine
Me and you, what is yours and mine
Songtexte [J.D. talking with last two lines of chorus]
Yo all my niggas that understand what I'm saying
Songtext Look ya girl in the eyes and say [Verse 3 - Jagged Edge]Girl you so off the chain (Off the chain)
Lyrics You took a playa straight out the game (Straight out the game)
Lyric Now I know what a good thing feel like (Feels good [x4])Liedertexte I know, I gotta have it in my life
Gotta playa messed up inside (Up inside)
Liedertext Made a nigga just wanna do right (Do right)
Me and you is like Dre and Snoop Dogg (Dre and Snoop)Alle Long as we together we can have it all [J.D. talking]
Jermaine Ha, know what I'm talkin' bout
When you love her man, sing to her man
Dupri It ain't shit, man you know what I'm sayin', ball on
Yours Bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce
Mine Now ride out

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