Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext You wouldnt understand Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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You wouldnt understand

Yo, im staying where we gettin crazy love
my noisy neighbors live just above me up in 13 A
the stripper says hes gunna fix the heat for sure, ive heard it 5 times before
3 locks on every door, cause sum folks got the tendency to take
it aint beverly hills more like stephanie mills
i never knew love like this could every exist
four corners in your metropolis
yo its its the p-jays (boy)
we exquisit like hard layed floorin

when gun shots keep u up instead of heavy snoring, pipes drippin
instead of rivers pourin
the elevators broken, damn man im needin a lift
thank god i dont stay up on the 25th floor
yo we aint always at war its alot about the projects
i do adore

but you wouldnt understand it, the p-jays is like another planet
you wouldnt understand it, the cops would catch your drawers down red handed its outlanded

come thru our projects about 4 in the morning
so i can tell you what be goin on there
one block, gun shots, some hot stuff, sell it to you for a buck? boy that aint enuf
hand cuffs on your brother man
my wifes wonderin, when you gonna fix the tenants plumbing man
im tired, this ghettos cool but its on fire
i see this fool with his crack pipe lookin wired
hookers for hire, look at the ply wood
on the building where termits is livin
my wife sleeps peacely, it aint easy for me
cause im trippin off these ppl with their thieviery
black white chicano,hell if i no
every guy know about the stolen cell phone
i got the hookup, police got me shook up
in court, cant even fort, its okay though
i got the building, the pay dough
but some tenants act like they just say no
im gettin older in my years, feel me
ive got a folder worth of fears
but its cool, we gotta make it better
dont take my sweater
yall make my head hurt
i aint even gunna finish this song
its too long
ima watch cops in my lazy boy and my thong


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