Jermaine Dupri

Songtext You bring the freak out Jermaine Dupri


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You bring the freak out

Kandi] you make me
K nasty nasty to ya
M about how i wanna do ya
K things to think about you bring it out you show me how to use my tongue you just some yum yum tasty tasy and when you take me and take me you bring the freak out in
E [
Brat] i'm freaky freaky gimme head head i wanna see how you get down, go down, go down and get fed come 'n get some tasty tasy lick each 'n every individual part and make me, make me come come a chameleon see a different position to do something different to the yum yum jump jump on top of the kitchen cabinet so you can stick it 'n pump pump
Harris waiting for whatever i feel like having save you some embrassment i'm an
Aries 'n i ain't scared of shit dare to flinch then 'n there i'll make your chest hairs lift [
Chorus] [
Only you do ah, ah think about this n try try to kiss all the places missed by the basic lovin' up your guy-ah ride in the park in the broad daylight real hard like we the only ones around back of the car, tearing u apart 'n this how shit be goin' down when i pump you say harder harder love it when i bring my camcorder whipped cream, take everything even when we first got started started from the bedroom to the dancefloor to a slow tune up against the door to the up 'n down, to the in 'n out to the way you sound [
Chorus] [
Kandi] (
Dupri) are you gonna fuck me? (you think i'm notà) come on baby (i'm comin) lets fuck (i love it when you talk like that) yeh whatever, go down there (show me how to use my tongue) i want you to put your tongue right here (talk to me!) right there on there yeh [
Brat] i'm a superfreak i do what you need i'm a slave for you, stay craving you i'm available, i'm unfadable and i'm capable to disable you i break you down, blow out your pipe turn out your lights and leave your wife lie me down on my back but don't let my
Timberlands clap hit it up like its
Wimbeldon don't spare a racquet 'cause
Brat freaky like that just once taste of the nipple and two kisses will leave you crippled you done fell in love with shantizzle and i'ma keep you fiending for mizzo the 6-0 six-fo bizzo got one of the freakiest hizzo's [
Chorus] x2

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