Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Ya don't stop Souls Of Mischief


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Ya don't stop


Say what,
Never under pressure,
Stress free we shock the mic,
You dont impress me.
I live the life of an mc no pretending,
Souls of mischief rock tha house.
So baby spread your wings now,
And let me come on in,
Show you right from wrong you wanna do it again.
Release all that pinned up aggression
Come caress and massage my dick, baby
Its not a maraudin stick.
Damn right hieroglyphics for life.
Close knit while these others crews fight we write hits,
As for us settlin
Discrepancies with other mcs, its a breeze.
Cause I stay focused while they frustrated.
Ease off the mic,
Dont cause a ruckus
Its destructive,
See us we keep in touch with the ones that bite,
Yah some write to dis,
But its a miss match I guess
I attract the wack backstage.
We wage battles and leave em unscathed.


Its phesto, in stereo,
Souls of mischief dont stop, dont quit.
To everybody in the o, hiero...
Glyphics rollers imperially equipped to eclipse,
And overshadow the best with no stress just,
The mic conceit.
With my limits boundless,
Plus my prowess psychedelic funk
For the female folk who wanna get into some mischief,
Submissive like I got em drunk,
And I got em junked,
With they knees hyperextended, weakened,
Speaking in tongues like a ventriloquist,
Until I quit,
While these niggaz oversaturated with exaggerated nonsense,
I dont respond simp.
They just punks beyond dips.
Infatuated with they never corespondent.
I guess it never dawned on em
That they dont belong on the mic like
Germs, I like to watch them squirm,
Convincin me they styles
Anything more then elementary, but spermacidal
Is the title theyve earned.


Im comin from the land of dope,
Where all of these niggaz never planned to hope.
You can either be the man to know,
But my plan was writin hella raw.
Standing quiet cause I be the man ya like,
To hand the mic,
So I can make a dollar, and make ya holler.
I never fake a scholar
Dumpin rappers in a lake of water.
I proceed to max,
Be pagin leed if I need the sacs,
Get the weed relax.
In the o we knowin where you at,
Be in the cut if you scared of them gats,
Cause oakland niggaz be prepared to jack shit.
I make my mail so I dont have to run that broke skid.
Some niggaz serve rocks at spots and get shot, over knots to clock
But yo I rock the spot.
Hah... with that soul shit,
I smoke a quarter and flow swift.


Now phuck that [queen low]? .
Im talkin half sips to the heads,
Lits have a meeting of the minds
Nobodies leavin till we all red.
Went to the jam, we caravan to see an excitin site to see,
The music inside invitin me
To rip the mic if need be,
But you know its important that I pull the women with the jewels
Glistenin... whoo
Only I can get the fly sister rumps to switch up,
With a swisher sittin on trompe.
[ ? ], you niggaz step in hap hazard,
To the stage was center t to the as up in the zone solo,
Bitch niggaz shouldve thrown bolos,
But you mist em,
Now even your miss is listed.
I feel the jealous stares stuck at my back,
Ut dont drop the microphone until I feel I fully did that.
Who these kids that come to every single show,
And always wanna pull they roscoes instead of hoes.
You better grow up Im with niggaz you dont know Im with,
So just dole out with all that dumb shit.
The souls of mischief click down with hieroglyphics.

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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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