Boyz Ii Men

Songtext Work it out Boyz Ii Men


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Work it out

Yeah, NFL, Boyz II Men
Characters baby
Meet me on the dance floor, come on

It's like this, in a nice miss we faked it some tight whips
Chromed out (*edited*) out tokens'll right this
That frozen alley had my lip on some mad (*edited*)
Cuz we stack chips, had us grove to a plat' list
When they see us, yeah run
They hopin' out the Beamers, Pourches Range Rovers and Hummers
My crew the cleanest, we the grittiest, back the meanest chick
Get the Nafis dip, bouncers at the door clear the path
It's Nafis forever clique

[Boys II Men]
Have them take a place
People sittin' 'round
Riders on the side
No one's even tried to get down
Brotha's being fly
Ladies acting shy
Ain't no doubt to loose
I'm gon' get my groove on tonight
Gotta dance, gotta dance, gotta dance

[1] - Ain't no use in holding up the wall
Come and get that body on the floor
Baby, lose control and scream and shout
Get your boogie down and work it out

Everybody's out, party's going on
And we're gonna rock until the sunlight crash and dawn
('Till the break of dawn)
Ain't a thing that you can do
When the rhythm's calling you
Let it work it's way right into you
Gotta dance, gotta dance, gotta dance

[Repeat 1 ]
[Repeat 1 ]

Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na

[Garrison Hearst]
Make it move there's no need to hold back now
Hit the floor, let loose and watch me break this down
Keep it mellow or we can get wild
See you haters in the corner tryin' to peep my style
You want my stash, gold, checks, sports illustrated
I'm motivated by the fact that I'm being hated
Now my pockets swell, game straight outta ATL
G-land, Boyz II Men, work it out
What's the deal

[Repeat 1]
[Repeat 1]

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Vocal foursome Boyz II Men were one of the biggest-selling groups in Motown history, thanks to the success of ballads like "End of the Road", "I'll Make Love to You", and "One Sweet Day" (with Mariah Carey).

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