Thompson Twins

Songtext Who can stop the rain Thompson Twins


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Who can stop the rain

I was dancing in heaven, you were keeping time
Then I read your letter, sent shivers down my spine
Said our love was over, I was not the one
If it lasts forever, forever wouldn't be much fun
Who can stop the rain?
Who can stop the rain from falling?
Who can stop this pain that's drowning me?
I could hear the sound of laughter
I thought that love was in the air
I was drowning in that golden age
You really seemed to care
I'm haunted by a dream, a giant human beings
I wait alone for hours
Love is never what it seems
You always had fantastic plans, that I always knew
And now you want to leave me out, so it's raining just for you
Those changes that you wanted make you ten feet tall
I tried to move those mountains but mountains never move at all
Who can stop the rain? (can stop the rain?)
Who can stop the rain from falling? (can stop the rain?)
Who can stop this pain that's drowning me?

Submitted by Michael Hack

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Tom Bailey (vocals, guitar, synthesizer) Alannah Currie (marimba, xylophone, percussion, background vocals) and Joe Leeway (synthesizer, congas, background vocals) together known as Thompson Twins were an 80's synthpop group. TT where made famous when their first hit single "In the Name of Love" reached the top of the US dance charts and stayed there for five weeks. They found superstardom with the release of their fourth studio album Into the Gap (1984) which spun four hit singles "Hold Me Now", "Doctor! Doctor!", "Sister of Mercy" and "You Take Me Up". Their final album as a trio Here's to Future Days was released in 1985 amidst a nervous break-down for Bailey, forcing the band to cancel tour dates in the UK. Here's to Future Days spawned the hits "Lay Your Hands On Me" and "King For A Day" but was considerably less successful than Into the Gap and signaled the end of Thompson Twins' commercial success.

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