Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Where the phuck you at? Souls Of Mischief


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Where the phuck you at?

[chorus: (scratching) where tha phukk you at? (repeat)]

Women are so conniving
But they liven me up
Succulent breasts
Bustin through that dress
Impress me and phes
Hold up turn around so we can see the rest
What a dame
A mothaphukkin shame
Whats ya name
You look fantastic
She responded enthusiastic
Was it the fame (naaaw)
They all the same
Whats the difference in this plastic
No drastic measures
Just for pleasure, laughs, kicks
Conversation was simple
She liked my dimples
Asked me when will I be leaving town
Its goin down
I said tomorrow
A look of sorrow crossed her face
But Im an ace
? _____? shot out to the hotel for the satin lace
Victorias secrets
Get me weak in the knees
Baby please dont tease me
She put the squeeze on me
Had me whipped
A tight grip
The perfect fit I flipped
I couldnt handle it
Shot em out but now I want em back
Baby doll tell me where the phuk you at. . .

Yeah, now this shit here sounds like some interlusion
So let me kick some ludeness
I wish I had a bitch that practiced
And when I hit it from the back this girl
Would twirl and twist and fat lips
And make the johnson vibrate like a tonsil
Plus on the tonsils
Honeyboo be on the job
And if I try to hang she be like a bat outta hades
Phuk around get with the nigga my lady
I want a bitch thats ? _____?
Maybe glaze me in some cherries and heavy syrup
But neva no reigns see and neva no stirrups (naaah)
None of that s and m
Just undressin when
Its appropriate and even when its not
Cause she hot, so...



I knew this nigga that was bigga than life
Pullin the trigga and knifes
Hed stick up in ya in fights (and he was)
The kind of nigga causin pain and static
When you seen him he would make you wanna aim your matic
But that is not happenin
That nigga got back
Cause if you shot at him
80 niggas would be on your block cappin
He had family
Understand me
And he know popo know he make his dough sellin candy
He got friends in high places
White men in skyscrapers
I bet they help him beat his 5 cases
Untouched a true mack indeed
Hed pull a mac and bleed
He made a stack from crack and weed
He phuckked up the fact is
The nigga tried to duck taxes
Now he at that ahw nigga you, punk status
Federal pen with non-heteral men
Climbin ya front to back
Aw nigga where the phuk ya at

I like them ripe hips
To slide in
After the shows we rock these
Im captivatin hoes to wax and they attract me
I see that lookin in my eyes with fascination
So Im buckin them thighs
For a visit later she replied
To see her undressed
I just couldnt deny cause she possessed
The most voluptuous
Ass and d cups
It was almost too much for just me
I said whats up with us
We got in the cut and let the lust erupt
Scandalous as she did me justice
With them lucious lips
Givin a nigga rushes
With the slightest touches but bust this
Now I gotta live with the repercussions
She raised up when I dazed under the assumption
She could be trusted
Now Im like whats this
Left for broke all cause this
Hoe Ill probably never see again
Had a motive and
Got me for my dough
So all I really wanna know
Is bitch...


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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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