
Songtext What do new york couples fight about Morcheeba


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What do new york couples fight about

Once a label is on something
It becomes an it
Like its no longer alive

Its like a loss of vision
Or some dark impression
Or a black spot on your eye

If its up to you
My little sweet baboo
Through the shouting and the fever
Think of life as queer
Think of it my dear
And some knobs or a fancy tone
From here there is no reason
Babys got it made
But its not what the lifes about

What is imagination
May become a fact
If we think of it that way
If you want to know

I can tell you now
Oh if you make it through somehow
Or is it best to keep or fall to sleep
It isnt looking very good to me
From here

Hes distressed and I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed and I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed and I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed and I forget
I dont wanna know

I dont wanna know
I dont wanna know
What do, new york
Couples fight about
Brothers gonna work it out
(babys got the bed sheet)
How do
(that was under you)
New york
(when your time and life expires)
Couples fight it out
What these couples fight about
(keeps it in the closet)
What do
(keeps it to herself)
New york
(she should throw the damn thing out)
Couples fight about
But this gonna work it out
(why should you continue)
How do
(to shake it off)
New york
(would you write things on the wall? )
Couples fight it out
What these couples fight about
(you could make it hard)
To be
In the shouting you will see
Or is it best to change the world youre keeping
Down again

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Such is the sound of sorry
Without the shy report
Or the grips that could hold you down
(just when things were looking up you act just like a horses butt)
Everything was simple
But the bodys worn
Got the life spread on the ground
(powder pink and general, the kitchen sink, a funeral)
Every loving other
Dont you fade on me
Like a bomb thats about to blow
(often we will overlook the things that make it undercooked)
We can make it hard
Or we can take the world apart
Or youd never be that sure
Of the simple things that makes you want
To cry, again

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know, I dont wanna know

Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know cause I forget
Hes distressed
And I forget
I dont wanna know, I dont wanna know

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Morcheeba were formed in London in 1995 by musicians Paul and Ross Godfrey, joined by singer Skye Edwards. The band's style has evolved over their career, from the trip-hop beginnings of 1995's Who Can You Trust (which includes the single \"Trigger Hippie\" used in the film Enemy of the State) to the million selling follow-up, Big Calm.

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