
Songtext What about us? (remix) (feat. nas) Brandy


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What about us? (remix) (feat. nas)

[Intro: Nas]Uh, the official remix, uh, uh
Nas, yeah, yeah...... [Verse 1: Nas]Kissin you was so sweet what's in your love spell?
We were listenin to Mobb Deep with that 112
Under sheets che' butter smell natural gloss
No matter the cost the ice I gave you
Wifed you made you my, lifed you saved me
F what they say, and brought it to whoever tried to step to Ray JCaught up in your web we had the matchin cars
I pull up blastin Brandy you blastin Nas, uh [Brandy]Why don't you return my calls?
Why you trip 'bout where I be?
You don't ever come to see me
You say that you're too busy (whatà?)What the hell? I don't have time
Why you messin' with my mind?
I can find another guy
Someone who will treat me right
I don't need this bullshit
I won't put up with it, any longer
You can, go if you want
I don't, need you pity
I will, be just fine
If you decide, that you want to leave
Close the, door behind you
I just, want to know what... [Chorus: Brandy]What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about all of the things you told me
What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us? [Verse 2: Brandy]Thought you said you were different
Was that what I heard you say'Said that you loved only me
Thought that you'd be all I need (whatà?)What happened to promises'Said that you were a better man
Your words have no weight with me
Cause your counterfeit, I see
I don't need this bullshit
I won't put up with it, any longer
You can, go if you want
I don't, need you pity
I will, be just fine
If you decide, that you want to leave
Close the, door behind you
I just, want to know what... [Chorus: Brandy]What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about all of the things you told me
What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us? [Verse 3: Brandy]What about us? [Nas]Uh, this the real best of both worlds we stylin
Your fans is mine to be wylin to a Brandy Nas album
Keep dialin your phone to second chance ya
Unblock my number know it's me
But still never answer what happened to them thangs you promised
Like The Bravehearts tatoo you said you will get it
You never got it you flipped the love in your lifeIt's husband and wife I'm a do me and nothin's nice [Brandy]What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?
Baby check it out hear this...
Now what if I said that you wasn't fit to be with
Now what if I told you the game we played, I picked it
Now what if I said it wasn't true, so do you
You and I know without me there's no you
So what about bills that were past due, paid for you
All you said to me is baby, I owe you
Forget about the brand new life that I gave youDon't what about us to me cuz we are through [Chorus: Brandy]What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about all of the things you told me
What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about, what about, what about us?
What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about all of the things you told me
What about all of the things that you say
What about all of the promises that you made
What about all of the nights that you gave
What about, what about
What about us? What about us, us?
What about us? What about us, us?
Uh huh.....uh huh.....uh huh....uh huh....

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