Souls Of Mischief

Songtext What a way to go out Souls Of Mischief


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What a way to go out

I wanna join a gang
Theyll have my back with gats
Well walk in packs and stack gs
But yo, I lack these qualities
I gotta kill a fool, steal his wallet, key, and id
But I need encouragement
Initiation aint enough for me to snuff an innocent fool
Yo I got school on monday
So one way, or another ima fell bad
I need to gain acceptance cuz my reps been in the trash can
Im blasting, asking can I join, cuz the big nights here
I got a slight fear I might hear gunshots in my direction
Cuz the slums got a ton of niggas flexing
I started stepping and there stood this young girl
Loaded my hollow tips and followed the dip
Pulled my shotty on the hotty and I blasted the bitch
Wish I woulda known it was my little sis

Niggas wanna step, let em, Im gonna get em
Pull the trigger finger then I wet em
I learned that from my pops, now I wanna pop cops and shit
Slang hots and rocks to hit
Get mine the only way possible
I gots to pull some starts, but niggas starts some bull
Cool, can I kill him? of course I can
I know I can, because I call myself the man
Im out cruising the block that I own smoking a swisher
When all the rocks are gone, I will be richer
Fiends keep me paid, each day is mine to lounge in
To broke niggas hows that sounding?
Niggas wish they had my ends- even my friends
They look with envy as I step out of my benz
Here I am, then they sprayed me
Hey, g, I never thought nobodyd fade me- yo I went out

[chorus:] what a way to go out, out like a sucka

My man, peep it, I used to keep this
New shank inside my bomber for drama
On the ave, my boy checked me
Let me know he didnt see me as a v-e-t
Nigga, I said see that bitch at the ready-teller getting cash?
Bet that ass ima kill her
Gotta let these niggas know I aint no sucka
Pulled out the shank, grabbed the bank, then I stuck her
What the- why did I fade her?
I shoulda saved it, put it in my pocket for later
But hey, the crew knows Im true, though- that counts
Plus I got back when Im out
I get top b-illin
Until with my lil friends the cops caught me
God-damn, the sentance they gave me
Im in the pen with no clout
But yo, I didnt go out

Holy mackerel, that girl got the fat booty
Like pam greer, these niggas is square
So I stepped near with no fear
I drive a lexus, she got the nexxus flowing hair
To make a nigga wanna stare
Kicked the cassanova then I drove her to the castle
Got the freak undressed with no hassle
The butt was firm, made the funky worm stiffen
Reached for my condom, damn, a fat rip in
The packaging, the lubrication was all dried up
Hope that the rubber dont ride up
Posted in the wallet for eons, the neon green was faded
Broke on the first stroke, I shoulda waited
A year later, caught the flu from sonya
Shot through the clinic, they said it was pneumonia
Caused by hiv breaking down the immune system. . .

Casual: (that was my motherphuckin man, damn I miss him)


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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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