Boney M

Songtext We kill the world (don't kill the world) Boney M


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We kill the world (don't kill the world)

I see mushrooms, atomic mushrooms.
I see rockets, missiles in the sky.
Day by day, more and more,
Where will this lead to
and what is this good for?
Poor World, Poor World.

Concrete's rising up,
where yearerday was park
you heard the Robin's Song
Heavy tractor runs
where air was clean and cool
make money, bringing fuel.

Where will this lead to
and what is this good for?
A Poor World, Poor World.

Fishes doomed to die
as people live close by
and oaktree falls with moon
Parking lots will come
with flowerfields were bright
as junkyard covers sight!

Where will this lead to
and what is this good for?
Poor world, is hurting bad,
Poor world, is doomed to die.

We kill the world
kill the world
We surely do
In peace we do!
We kill the world
kill the world
'cause we don't know
what we are doing!

We kill it
One by one
Don't realize!

And nuclear piles stand like monuments
of destruction throughout over the country

Promenades must go
so cars can drive in row
New Fact'ry towers tall
Farmhouse had to fall
No flowers in the air
pollution everywhere.

Where will this lead to
and what is this good for?
A Poor world, Poor World.

Oceans in despair
There's rubbish everywhere
The seaweed chokes in mud
Nature's had her lot
With nuclear waste and rot
And mushrooms bloom as clouds.

Where will this lead to
and what is this good for?
Poor world, is hurting bad,
poor world, is doomed to die.

We kill the world...

Don't kill the world
don't let her down.
Do not destroy basic ground.
Don't kill the world
our means of life.
Lend ear to nature's cry.

Don't kill the world
She's all we have,
And surely is worth to save.
Don't let her die,
fight for her trees,
Pollution robs air to breathe.

Don't kill the world
help her survive
And she'll reward you with life
And don't just talk,
Go on and do the one, who wins is you.

Cherish the world,
A present from God
On behalf of all creatures,
made by the Lord
Care for the earth,
Foundation of life
Slow progress down help her survive

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