
Songtext Wanna know y Camouflage


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Wanna know y

I can stop these tears from fallim down my face
And I can stop my heart from hurtin lord I pray
Dat u take away dis pain I feel inside I got problems in my life and I jus wanna know y

[Verse 1:]
I got problems da size of California da rent due mama ain't got no job
So dats why I'm out here on da corner plus da frigeratior empty as hell my stomach
Hurtin can't u tell I need help on top of dat I jus lost another partner to dis gang bangin
Shot him n his head left his brains hangin
I could see wat he was thinkin
Lord why u put me n dis place right here da ghetto cold
Like da north pole
Shed so many tears
And I can't even see clear my visions all blurr
Sippin liquor smokin herb
Tryin to calm my nerves
Sometimes I wish dat I was never even born I pray to god dat I could make it through da storm
Somebody pleaze tell me why

I can stop these tears from fallim down my face
And I can stop my heart from hurtin lord I prayDat u take away dis pain I feel inside I got problems in my life and I jus wanna know y

[Verse 2:]
It's been proverty since day 1 down here where I'm from
Ain't no lovefor us ghetto children
We run from police when they swing da block
They say da only thing we good at is slangin rocks
My nigga doc was da next MJ but hey he had to make ends meet livin n these streets
I seen mama's cry and kids die I watch fights n da clubs turn in to drive by's
Look into my eyes tell me wat u see
So much pain from da game this ain't da life for me
I wanna change but it's hard
Drop to my knees and pray to god by it seems like he don't hear ya'll
So now I'm back to cookin da crack
Pullin da jak
Shootin da gats
Smokin weed and drinkin yak
Matta fact da pinertinere keep callin my name
And da cemematary doin da same thing sombody please tell me why

I can stop these tears from fallim down my face
And I can stop my heart from hurtin lord I pray
Dat u take away dis pain I feel inside I got problems in my life and I jus wanna know y

[Verse 3:]
Pinertinere packed with blacks so many brothers with dark skin color shakled up and that's a fact
Damn! u could've been a lawyer or a doctor
But u from da ghetto so u rather cook rocks
Blame it on da poverty in my community ain't no unity ain't no oppertunity for u and me
If u could see da world through my eyes u would wish dat u was blind
Since day 1 it's been nothin but hard times
My mama got fucked
My daddy got a nut
All I got was bad luck
Never had much I shed tears
For all my child hood peers who ain't here
I was blind to da fact but now I could see clear
And I'm livin in a world of sin
Where it ain't no love in da hearts of men
Lord when is it gonna end
As I walk through da valley and da shadow of death
I take a look at my life and relize it ain't nothin left somebody pleaze tell me why

I can stop these tears from fallim down my face
And I can stop my heart from hurtin lord I pray
Dat u take away dis pain I feel inside I got problems in my life and I jus wanna know y

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Camouflage is a synthpop band, originating from Bietigheim-Bissingen in Germany, composed of the trio Marcus Meyn, Heiko Maile and Oliver Kreyssig. Its biggest success was the song "The Great Commandment" released in 1987, included in their debut album Voices & Images (1988).

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