Moosh & Twist

Songtext Victory Moosh & Twist


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Check, my obsession is just perfection
And every one of these sessions
Progression made an impression (-pression)
Always gave me a lesson (lesson)
Never make an exception (-ception)
Stressin', they say depression (-pression)
Cannot cherish the moments (moments)
I don't take in the seconds (seconds)
Might run the love, I might run the bricks
I fell once and I bumped my head
I got a crazy ex, she probably want me dead
But I'm out here, I don't run from it
She love me, she was confident
Our new song just bumping it
But I've moved on, I'm done with it
Hell yeah I'm done with it

Yo are you kiddin' me?
Look what it did to me
Twist be the only one in my vicinity
Keeping it cool, I ain't your enemy
Shorty so sick, I got the remedy
I'm taking whatever they handing me though
Making a killing, my family low
Back in the day, me and my mom
Tearing it down in the charity mall
Hands in the air, go nuts in the place
And we all want to rage, go jump in her face
Girl butt to the base, just cut to the chase
Yeah I'm on the run, good luck to the ?
Pictures on the mantle (mantle)
Take us back like a sample (sample)
To keep our kids out of trouble (trouble)
We got to lead by example, what's up?!

God damn, look at what it did to me
Every time I do it up, shorty's getting bent for me
I can't even take her home, none of this was meant for me
Look at what it did to me
This might be a victory

And they say hell yeah day one, hell yeah day one
Every night we made some, look at where we came from(x2)

MPC for the MP3
Right now got to go MVP
My time, my time
Yeah, prime time
Like NBC
I'm mackin' it, but you lackin' it
And I go, my brain got a crack in it
Explode, I'm Iraqin' it
I got flows, I'm immaculate
Take Steven Hawking, Imma leave him walking
Money won't speak, Imma leave it talking
By nightfall, I might fall
But that girl is so delight-fal
She hype though, that's a typo
Yo, truly treat me right though
Say, "Einstein this my first tech, gimme a beat and I murk that."
Well I'm a dirtbag and I'm sorry baby (baby)
Played you like it's Sorry baby (baby)
Back of the scene, in the Acura scheme
Flow when I go with immaculate speed
Can't bang with us, they can't hang with us
Spontaneous, miscellaneous
Like angel dust I'm so dangerous
Cause I'm on (on)
On (on) on (on), yeah
Tracking him down, but I'm smacking him now
5'5" down low, but I'm backing him down
In the Acura now, like always
But I used to rap in them hallways
I can see you got rap frames
I go hard, I got back pains
OCD till the death of me
Hell yeah we bodied this track, man

God damn, look at what it did to me
Every time I do it up, shorty's getting bent for me
I can't even take her home, none of this was meant for me
Look at what it did to me
This might be a victory

And they say hell yeah day one, hell yeah day one
Every night we made some, look at where we came from(x2)

God damn, look at what it did to me
Every time I do it up, shorty's getting bent for me
I can't even take her home, none of this was meant for me
Look at what it did to me
This might be a victory

And they say hell yeah day one, hell yeah day one
Every night we made some, look at where we came from(x2)

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