
Songtext Upside down Salt-N-Pepa


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Upside down

How do i love thee? let me count the ways...
Infinity to infinity plus two days
I prays for my sanity to remain sane
All in vain and i don't even know your name
Supreme you reign, sire, your fine-ness
Desire burn like fire i admire
How you take me higher with them triceps
Cuts got me nuts, trippin' off them biceps
So what's the 411, hon? you got the fade
The brothas crave, i praise god you was made
Bring the drama to mama, let it rain
Show you right, take it in stride as we ride lovers lane
You left a stain on my brain, love
Yeah, the kind of brotha other girls can only dream of
Did ya lead the pack? needle in a haystack
Diamond in the rough, yeah can't get enough

Upside down, boy, you turn me
Inside out, round and round
Upside down, boy, you turn me
Inside out, round and round and round

Me and my peeps be clockin' the block for your jeep
Keep checkin' for ya, we can't sleep runnin' the streets
You freakin' me ??? in the marriage
Here come salty with the baby carriage
So tell me what does it take for you to recognize
Fate's sendin' you my way? i'm destiny's highway
The kissin' got me dissin', them other heads has barely got a clue
And you know how we do, yeah
You give me a run for my money and break a sweat
Playin' hard-to-get, give up the paycheck
I'm comin' for you, i'm comin' through
With the force of ten men, i wanna be no friend
As i perceive a need to please ya
I wanna squeeze ya and wanna tease ya, ease ya mind on wine
And relaxed, turn your hat to the back cuz i'm here, oh yeah


What's goin' on?i'm buggin' all of a sudden
Thought i was into (shhh...), losin' my grip
'bout to flip, nah, they can't see me slip
They had me quick up in a tabloid clip like this
Big time headlines: "pep losin' her mind"
Straight up, no diggity, use a dime
Got my life all changed, rearranged like i'm derranged
Baby, baby, you make me crazy


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Salt-N-Pepa were a New York hip-hop trio, consisting of Cheryl James (Salt) Sandra Denton (Pepa) and Deidra 'Dee Dee' Roper (DJ Spinderella). They have sold over 27 million albums and were the first all-women group to win the Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance, for "None of Your Business".

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