Trevor Hall

Songtext Unity (radio edit) Trevor Hall


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Unity (radio edit)

And take me to the table where we all dine together
And pluck me from the crowd and return me to my sender
Whatever path you follow push on till tomorrow
Love all serve all and create no sorrow
So many rivers but they all reach the sea
They telling me he's different but I just don't believe it
Love is the glorious and everyone shall reach it
Who ever seeks it
Seen it unseen

I don't want a reason anymore about the one I love, the one I love
I don't want a reason anymore about God above, God above
I just want to melt away, in all its craze
Drift away, into that sacred place
Where there's no more you and me, no more they and we, just unity yeah yeah, just unity yeah yeah, just unity yeah yeah, just unity yeah yeah

Well I don't wana count the leaves of the mango tree
I just want to taste it's sweetness
So you can defeat this above and beneath this
Come one and all, come stand tall
And whatever your approaching dance or meditation
You got love along than you shall reach the station
You find a road the supreme abode
In this city all hearts shine like gold

I don't want a reason anymore about the one I love, the one I love
I don't want a reason anymore about God above, God above
I just want to melt away, in all its craze
Drift away, into that sacred place
Where there's no more you and me, no more they and we, just unity yeah, just unity, just unity, unity, just unity

Me and Jesus, Buddah, Moses, and Gandhi
All dance around, dancing on your thunder
Drunk on the wine of love for thee
Well tell me when will I be blessed to join the bliss of your company
So many stories and so many favors of how the king sings of how the wah wagers
Jerusalem to the Holy Himalayas
From Mount Sion to the hills of Jamaica
All land is holy, all land is sacred
All shall leave this world completely naked
Completely naked, completely

I don't want a reason anymore about the one I love, the one I love
I don't want a reason anymore about God above, God above
I just want to melt away, in all its craze
Drift away, into that sacred place
Where there's no more you and me no more they and we just unity oh yeah
Where there's no more you and me no more they and we just unity just unity
Where there's no more you and me no more they and we just unity yeah yeah just unity yeah yeah just unity yeah yeah just unity yeah yeah

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Trevor Hall is a performer. His discography includes Trevor Hall, Lace Up Your Shoes, The Rascals Have Returned and Trevor Hall Live.

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