Insane Clown Posse

Songtext Truely alone Insane Clown Posse


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Truely alone

There aint nobody, asking me, where ive been
There aint nobody, that would name me as a friend
There aint nobody, that's dropping by, to say hi
There aint nobody, that's caring wheter i live or die
I have nobody, to tell about, my growing angers
I have nobody, to tell about me, following strangers
There aint nobody making sure im taking all of my pills
There aint nobody, slowing me down and keeping me still, im truely alone

They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone

There aint nobody, tellng me, not to jump off
There aint nobody, telling me, not to chope your block off
I get so bloddy, i ruin, all of my clothes
I get so bloody, i sit in, the dark alone
I have nobody, to tell about, my dark fantasies
I have nobody, to tell about, my dar realities
There aint nobody, around me, nobody wanna be friends
I get so bloody, all on me, the mess never ends, im truly alone

They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone
They say a man can only be alone for so long, bofore the man's mind is gone

I walked into a Super K, and went to the back
I started askin questions chechin out the chainsaw rack
They had a test model, i pulled the cord and got it runnin
Turned the blade on the kid working and blood started gunnin
"what the fuck am i doing?" i dropped the shit and started crying
I made it down to aisles before some hero clotheslined me
I got up, and grabnbed a shovel and stabbed him in the gut
I pulled it out and hammered it across the back of his nug
Im hearing sirens going off, it's no blue light specials
I turned murders caving into daily life pressures
But fuck that now all y'all gonna know me
Seein me on TV, being like "Look there go my homie"
Im more than lonely im lost, lives are the cost,
I just bear some bitch in the head, stabbed her twice and took off
They can't find me im hiddin in the flannel coat rack
I jumped out and attack and put a gash in your neck
I finally made to the front door and to the parking lot
That's when i got shot,a lot, i got got
Police with bullets and more bullets pluggin me deep
Im seeing flashes, hearing screamin and it's all over me
I see a crowd of people being held behind the police tape
All watching me die, i think i made no mistake
I finally got some recognition, dyin on my knees
Ready for hell because compared to my life it should be on ease...
Like easy.. cake walk... im ready... lets go...

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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ICP know there's nothing creepier than a crazy clown, so they dress as psycho jesters and rap about their violent personas. Though they've built a dedicated fan-base, many critics accuse them of being immature and misogynistic, and some have even named them the worst group in the world.

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